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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. I did see Ava last month in NYC - it was a great show. I'm going to have to travel to Euro to see damn Tay Tay. And I guess I'll be seeing Gaga in Paris in October
  2. skjdf How is everyone? PS. @corvus albus is now a mod
  3. I have a pride version of this BTWF shirt I wear a lot, not quite the same, but it's nice. Probably not as hard to find one of those. https://shop.bornthisway.foundation/products/be-kind-black-t-shirt?variant=28910889631792
  4. That's wild. These were supper expensive when they came out right? I feel I remember being annoyed by it - esp cause it felt a little low effort, lol. I hope you can get one for like $30, lol.
  5. You don’t have to like Taylor, but there’s a lot of reasons she’s the biggest pop star right now - I’ve seen her live - she’s amazing. There’s no use in dragging, subtlety or directly, other users you disagree with it. I’m home for a funeral and don’t have the time right now to go through everything. Be kind and just ignore people you don’t agree with or express a different opinion without being rude. Locking for a bit.
  6. I love our girl so much. Even the camera people didn’t know what to do cause it wasn’t rehearsed properly. It was iconic, beautiful and raw. Just give her another Oscar, my Lorde.
  7. Hmm, yeah, maybe. I don't want to restrict anyone genuinely who wants to join and post. Imagine joining and then being told you have to wait two days, I feel you'd never come back. But maybe I can increase the auto-moderation for new users. So just one report instantly flags it until it can be reviewed if they're new. I'll play around with it. Def report.
  8. Sorry about that everyone. Thank you all for not giving attention to people who attack members like that. Sorry you had to deal with that. Imma go request Bloody Mary on the NYC radio.
  9. Maybe they waiting to release an official remix in a month
  10. Reminder: pls don’t continue fights and start swearing at people. Come on.
  11. I don't think so, but I'm definitely not an expert. We created a Popa911 tik tok too to start hosting of the reels that @Daddyhas been making for instagram there. Following you now and hopefully we can start building up a nice variety of Gaga content over time.
  12. Yeah, I wouldn't be shocked if Gaga's song didn't make the cut. Also, do we know if she actually sings or just co-wrote?
  13. I'm very glad Kristen got a mom, she deserved. I did find that movie to be a supreme snore fest tho. And super slow dramas are my fave movies. That's not Kristen's fault, but it really put me to sleep.
  14. Penelope was amazing for sure. Chastain does sorta come off that way, except that's exactly how Tammy was in real life. After the movie I was sorta shook and watched so many videos and read a bunch of articles and was in awe of how much Chastain nailed her quirkiness, camp and sincerity.
  15. Gonna bookmark that one. We won't know until it comes out, but honestly, if we were tracking this early (and some do) she'd be at the top. They won on the first film, the entire team wants to win again for this one. Keep it positive cause the signs are bright. Absolutely. Flawless, mesmerizing performance. The movie itself was fine, honestly, it was better than HOG, lol.
  16. Let's take a break so people can come down and chill. The easiest way to stop someone who is annoying you or attacking you is to ignore them and report them. Honestly, the ignoring them is the best approach because then things don't spiral and piss everyone off. Also, we're all catty by nature to be on a site like this, but again, you do not have to drag other artists to prove a point. Stream Flowers and do some yoga.
  17. Please don’t tell people their opinions don’t matter. Nothing matters less than someone who drags others down to make themselves feel better. Different opinions are the only reason life is interesting.
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