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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. The taste level today... I might only have 4 points, but I have "Godga" on my side Also, brunch was the correct choice, but I knew you flops would flop it
  2. As someone who has grown up in America and most people I know avoid the doctor and hope they get over it because of how terrible, expensive and difficult it is to get healthcare - I will never support and solution except one which gives ever human the healthcare they need, guaranteed.
  3. You easily can save a lot of money. Healthcare spend (2018): USA: 16.9% of GDP By comparison: Australia: 9.3% Canada: 10.7% of GDP France: 11.2% of GDP Germany: 11.2% of GDP Switzerland: 12.2% of GDP UK: 9.8% of GDP
  4. What is this bestie? Universal healthcare has almost only positives. But even if it had lots of negatives; the fact that anyone can get the healthcare they need without having to worry about costs, their kids, debt, etc etc is enough. A healthier, less stressed and less-in-debt society is a much stronger one.
  5. I'm not sold, but I usually love her stuff immediately or love it a month later, so.
  6. I like tipping, although I think the US goes overboard, I prefer tipping in Europe. But either way, min wage should def be way higher.
  7. My vote is @StormPulse. And yes, I grew up on the island part of Rhode Island and now live in NYC and spend most of time on the NYC part of Long Island, on Manhattan (island) or back home.
  8. AHHH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you and you're a shining star to this site and the entire Gaga community. So blessed to have you.

  9. Just had to quick jump in and say how blown away, of course. Thank Lorde we have her to try and cleanse this country in 2 minutes. I quit my meeting as people were talking; watched her, and then joined and blamed my computer.
  10. Yassssss. PS, CANNOT wait for Bey'd record this year. And for it to win AOTY over Adele, as much as I love Adele.
  11. That would 100% be me too. Worth getting fired over.
  12. I am here for it to stay #1 until Adele comes. OR to take a break while Gaga's Anthem takes #1 this next week Maybe I should consider this tbh.
  13. This could be fake, but he's pretty reliable and I've never heard this version from her before that I can remember. Sounds incredible and different from the Super Bowl.
  14. Glad I'm too busy to see how off-topic this thread has been. What's DL looking like for week 2? Obv #1, but what type of decrease.
  15. Honestly, those were so of my fave times, ha. I LOVE messy rumors and I love all the intense drama tracking somehow encourages. I FEED off of it, off of all of you
  16. To think I step in for an hour today to do a quick check in and see this.
  17. I might be too late, but Imma go with @little legend
  18. Omg thank you so much! I’ll tweet this now that I’ve ordered the max 5. Lol
  19. I didn’t vote for it, but part of me really wonders what would’ve happened if Paparazzi was the first single. It’s a superior song to Just Dance, but unsure if it would’ve grown in the same way.
  20. Breaking Bad is probably the finest made show I've seen from start to finish, excluding limited run series. To be fair, I have never finished Sopranos, West Wing, The Leftovers or the Wire. Those are all still on my to do.
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