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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Anyway, Shall I tweet about the Sour Candy Oreo Lego film as an insider to draw in new users?
  2. The people at Oreo literally have no idea what a Lady GaGa is.
  3. So I’ve been in an apple store trying to fix my iMac and my iPad for over an hour now. The real story is my gone-bananas Mac which has confused the genius as much as it has me. Sigh. I’ve watched three tv+ shows. Ted Lasso: 5 stars. Amazing show, competes with the best of tv elsewhere and everyone should watch. The Morning Show: 3.5 stars. This show isn’t as good as it wants to be, but it’s fun. It gets better as it goes on. Pretty great acting, decent writing. Defending Jacob: 3.5 stars. Not as good as TMS, but not bad. The story is a little 🙄 - but it’s worth watching. Back to waiting. 😭
  4. admin


    Welcome, we are thrilled to have you. We live a kindness-first life, so hopefully you enjoy our ever-growing community!
  5. I personally just love EVERYTHING about her Pride speech and song. It's just so special and raw and I'll always cherish it. Dunno why I wasn't there, but glad the video is high quality.
  6. I stopped myself tbh. Although I did put Trick... I wish I could flop myself for not putting him. I also lost a pint for E
  7. Which one could you not live without? The rest of your life you can only watch/listen to one. Not about success or acclaim, just you. Inauguration (2021) - The Star-Spangled Banner Super Bowl (2017) - God Bless America / This Land is Your Land Super Bowl (2016) - The Star-Spangled Banner Pride (2013) - The Star-Spangled 'Gay' Banner
  8. Amazing, will definitely watch. Thank you!
  9. Hey Popsters! Sorry, I was insanely busy with work last week and will be this week as well. But, it shouldn't be as bad. I'll see y'all around today for the Awards. Rooting for most of you :snake:


  10. Welcome! Love versatility in music. We are super social here. Play some games, post some gifs and make friends! See you here out there
  11. Welcome! Super happy to have you and your diamond heart here! We Stan solid gif and emoji presence.
  12. Thanks as always to @FRANZGA - I won't rush my answers next time, maybe
  13. Ty ty. I'm off again, but always here for the popsters. Also, I'm ashamed, but I didn't realize who anyone was referring to when they kept saying dots until now, lol.
  14. Wow, even below @CokeDestroyer. It's been swell
  15. I don't think it means they no longer act, almost no one fully quits acting really. But that they become more known as a singer. Ariana will end up in more stuff.
  16. She's like the ORIGINAL. Proud she has my vote, ha.
  17. Oops, I guess I did go with my fave in the end
  18. My answer represents the gays, not myself.
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