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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Maybe you'll have to win popa911's first contest starting tomorrow
  2. I got my Chromatica Oreos today and am much happier. Will taste tomorrow. Maybe I'll buy 5 copies of Chromatica due to a chemical trick they baked in.
  3. @HeavyMetalLover - I understand your point that the flippant use of sis and girl is not equivalent to misgendering a person. However, it’s still valid to express discomfort when a label or pronoun makes you seem uncomfortable for whatever reason. My ex, who is very gay, was actually also triggered by being called sis or girl. The reasons aren’t really relevant. We can all make good-faith efforts on behalf of others. We’re not going to assign WPs for something that most here wouldn’t think is offensive, but at the same time if someone tells you a pronoun or label isn’t for them, that should be respected. I know you found his opinion to be unfair and the response to be rude (I disagree, personally) - but he prefaced his opinion with a warning and immediately apologized if others found it offensive. Sometimes we get triggered and get so upset we lash out and feed the anger instead of taking a breath and switching to discourse and kindness. We’re all on the same team, like how I allow Fun Tonight haters to stay on the site.
  4. Omg I can’t see this video. Is it good? I’ll search the Tube tomorrow for a video I can watch over here.
  5. How am I the only one to pick the gay option?
  6. Never been more shocked to NOT see Chromatica on his list, lol. Anyway, I still want LG5One. Still jealous of those fans that heard Frankensteined live. Which we know actually happened, right?
  7. Yes, I agree, I just haven't had much time.
  8. The way I'm debating changing the tag to 'funny' Anyway, welcome @James, I look forward to (and fear) your future topics.
  9. Thank you to both @KatieJudasGaga4 and @Dirkje. We'll be having a little promo giveaway in the month of Feb. So, get ready to retweet and spread the word Popsters!
  10. Y'all need to Chile, my Lorde. Anyway, how many Oreos do I need to buy to get Chromatica back to the top 10?
  11. Oh wow. So so so sad. Rip. :(
  12. Yaaasss. It’s so good. And so funny. Welcome! Remember when I didn’t buy a bunch of apple stock when covid began?
  13. This is VERY cute and sorta gross. lol
  14. You have to reply to six tweets to get six entries. Your response needs '@OREO #ChromaticaCookieHunt #Sweepstakes' in it to count. Here are all the tweets you have to respond to in order to enter:
  15. I truly wish they’d ban that word.
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