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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. I'll go @StormPulsecause I think he's a little younger than everyone else.
  2. Welcome! Happy to have you Your makeup is gorg by the way.
  3. The way I promised two different projects to people at work and then went and spent my last 90 minutes on this site instead of doing them :rip:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lorde Von Kok

      Lorde Von Kok

      A devoted admin. We have to stan. 


    3. Daddy


      The devotion :shakes: @admin

    4. ProjectJoanne


      @GrasimBut was it electric? :ohhh:

  4. I love him so much. Can't for our marriage (and then when we marry Olly Alexander too). Recreation of he and I in private:
  5. I spent two hours yesterday walking around Queens trying to find any. While everyone else was stocking up for this storm presently raging I went store to store until I found one package hidden behind other Oreos (nice try sis) and snatched it up. That said, I've ordered others online.
  6. I think in like a decade we'll get an acoustic piano ballad album and it'll win album of the year.
  7. Such bittersweet news. The album is very exciting and I truly can't wait for it, but I feel so bad for Tony. Glad he's able to live the best life he can and that he's been rather fortunate in his diagnosis.
  8. OMG I FORGOT MILLION REASONS - let me edit What a
  9. TBH I also was shook when he said that, and when I listened I liked it, but it wasn't A-list Gaga to me. But I do love it.
  10. The outro slaps, but when you say hyped as her best song ever, just tag the good sis @Gypsy Life.
  11. I didn't include every ballad, so sorry! But the best
  12. Hey Popsters, The mod team has been encouraging a private space where people can post and comment without prying eyes outside the community. I couldn't agree more and we have two forums that are only visible to Popsters and up. Popster lounge This is very much like open chat, except it's private. Things like pictures of you topics or personal stories might feel more at home here. Health & kindness This is a space for mindfulness where you can discuss mental health, share personal struggles, seek community support and spread positivity. We're all here for you. Thanks all!
  13. Sorry I missed this brilliant ceremony live, but the 2am re-run was just as good and only half the ads were replaced by Gloreos. Thanks to @GitHubfor a brilliant ceremony and megarate. Glad Telephone held it's proper crown. Props to @NotDoctorfor brilliant visuals that will haunt my dreams. And congrats to our Oreo-obsessed Mother who makes more from a fake brand like Vixen's Visions than we all do in a year. Love and cookies.
  14. I love her so much, even with that sorta weird ending.
  15. omg @vvoid_xXcoming to dance with me at the pier!
  16. Ewww. Also, how incredibly strange. Stay away PLS
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