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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. The one upside is that we can (I don't do this, but should) unsub from stuff when we don't need it. My goal for things like Apple TV+ and other steaming channels I don't need all the time is to just sub maybe two months of the year and catch up on everything. Sorta fails when things are new and the talk of the town though, cause then you want to be up to date.
  2. We might be in masks, but I think come Nov we should be in an OK place?
  3. Same actually. I did love them growing up but I think I disliked the last one I had. I wouldn't mind an artisan sloppy Joe tbh. But likely made of different bits than the usual
  4. !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY :cupcake:

    I hope you have an amazing day filled with cakes and maybe cheese :rat:

    Thank you for being passionate for the site and for demanding action from the likes of me.

    Ariana Grande Rain On Me GIF by Lady Gaga

  5. Yasss welcome icon. So glad to have you here as your authentic self. Enjoy the cookies, memes and dreams.
  6. I hate spoilers more than anything, so I am watching, but not looking anything up. I'll wait and see what Marvel TV serves me.
  7. Agreed on all of this. To be fair, almost everyone in the political system is pretty hypocritical by nature, but NOTHING compares to the Republican party in American politics. They lie and deceive as much or more than that do anything else. The poison in this country is unreal.
  8. Iconic. I remember in college we had to take some religious courses and I was in this REALLY AWFUL class where this very old priest told us gays and women who have abortions were DEFINITELY going to Hell and he'd force us to debate it from "God's side". Anyway, it was the WORST, but I had just got my first iPhone and wondered if a video would play if I had the sound switch off . So I queued up Bad Romance and it BLARED in the middle the class. Thankfully, he was so old, he couldn't understand what was happening and just moved on .
  9. YASSSS, DO it. I only buy digital Switch games cause I can't be bothered to lose them all, lol. Ummmmmm. Well, yes in that you can play forever for free. No in that the game is pretty expensive to build a collection. That said, they give a lot more away these days just by playing, but it would be very hard to build a lot of good decks, you'd probably have to prioritize if you want to do really well. But there are also lots of modes that are free all the time; including lots of single player stuff and Battlegrounds, Hearthstone's auto-battler, which is just one of the most fun things I've ever played. I play as much Battlegrounds as I do regular Hearthstone and fully support joining for that alone.
  10. I don't know much about Neera Tanden, but my friends even more to-the-left than me also dislike her. That's a pretty tough spot to be in.
  11. Oops, missed this, but we're at 62 retweets! That's 8 winners.
  12. I've been a pretty big trumpet of more to come from the era, including visuals, but I've realized I was probably just too hopeful. I think C3C coming this spring sorta cements it, which is a waste. I still think doing a video and promo for Babylon around pride ONLY makes sense. I guess we'll see. Maybe we'll get nice Grammy performance, since it'll probably be remote anyhow.
  13. The Eternal Spear is my bff. Love that thing. I also surprisingly can get into almost all the weapons tho. My preference is basically always to attack from afar -> that said I find it impossible to do very well with the bow and arrow. For boons I just ALWAYS WANT FROST, haha. Like in all games, my fave. I also love whenever I can deflect or add chain attacks/lightning. What're your go-tos?
  14. Not going to lie, this sorta creeps me out. Looks like a purple finger that you've slashed open to suck out the insides.
  15. Just jumping in to restate I think about hades most of my day, haha. I'm now 21 runs in and still haven't escaped, I keep losing to (maybe) the final boss. Update soon. Also, Hearthstone announced some pretty great changes coming to the game with the new year (End of March for Hearthstone). If any of you have ever debated joining, that would be a pretty fab time to do so!
  16. I don't drink soda, but like once a year I will have a freshly brewed glass fo root beer. it's SO GOOD. WHO compares it to medicine? I will say the best American foods to me are S'mores and lobster rolls. Iconic. Perfection.
  17. I don't know anything about her and am slightly nervous they're going to mess this all up, but I do love this song. Between this and UK, hun? It's been quite a week of gay tv songs.
  18. I’m going to try very hard to avoid learning much about the film or the real life events so I can go into the theatre (if that’s a thing) blind. Maybe I should dye my hair dark(er) and big sunglasses.
  19. I had to miss her NYC concert summer or 2019 and literally every gay I knew went and it haunts me still.
  20. When this due by tho? I need due dates, ha.
  21. Cause it's a perfect song. It and this one. Her best (but she has a LOT of amazing pop songs)
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