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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Happy bday blaster :kiss:

  2. It’s still as excellent as it was day one and I feel bad for the poor fools who resist its beautiful energy.
  3. She couldn’t have that as the official lyrics, but they’re the lyrics Gaga intended and how she sings the song. She talks about it sometimes, but it’s something she emphasizes at her Vegas Jazz show.
  4. Jesus Christ. I truly cannot. I’m so relieved they are returned and that Ryan is doing well. I hope these people are found and prosecuted for attempted murder on top or countless thefts they seem to have committed. Unspeakable evil.
  5. Wow. So relieved to hear this. What a terrible tragedy, but at least the recovery might be ok. I hope Ryan doesn’t have too painful a recovery/lasting effects and trauma. I can’t even imagine recovering from an attack like that. I really hope they find who did this.
  6. For me that trailer showed me the illusion of something different, but I'm not very convinced. I really do hope it's new and exciting, but they have not earned it in my eyes. It looked like someone with a twelve dollar budget made a pokémon x BTW crossover. But the graphics are for sure ancillary. If the game is actually amazing and a breath of fresh air I will be SO EXCITED. But they gonna have to prove it.
  7. Sigh. We'll see if they can manage to get in elsewhere, but eek. It's sad we have to rely on these weird loopholes to get something like this passed.
  8. Yaaass. Pancit is the best. That was my fave dish growing up and one of the only non-baked foods I’ll make. Ha. That and lumpia.
  9. Yaaasss ube. I try to bake with it sometimes. I tried to offer my grandpa an ube cake (he is from the Filipinos) and he was like, “I hate sweets” mess.
  10. Well, that pokémon event did not do it for me. Not in love with the remake art style (nor do I have a super desire to play them anyway) and the new spinoff looks, honestly, terrible. Maybe they'll pull it off, but I really think that entire company needs a lot of new blood.
  11. I think so. She BETTER be dressed up like a pokémon.
  12. We're def getting that and I know it's the anniversary, but WHAT is this, lol.
  13. I'm sad you missed this show, cause it was AMAZING. But I thought the SAME THING. I was really confused cause the album was pretty new so I thought they'd do a bunch of it. did you?
  14. I truly don't know what is happening with these pokémon collabs or why this one has anything to do with anything, but I'm really into it. Nice, soothing distraction this evening.
  15. Yeah, it really threw me off too. I spent the night chilling with video games to forget reality.
  16. Was just about to type this. Keep them private for fairness and their safety. Have them add some comments so we understand why. Maybe a clearer definition on what’s being judged. Just the outfit? The photo itself? The whole look/occasion the outfit was worn? Cleverness in use of color? Just the most of one color, aka Beyoncé. Haha.
  17. I dunno, I find it hard to separate in my mind. I totally understand though. I very much hope they are found safely, with or without the reward. And oh! Didn’t know that. I always thought it was a gps thing too.
  18. Yeah, but usually it’s assumed they’ve walked off, here we know they were stolen via a shooting. I feel her reward should be for info on the dogs rather than open ended as slag said. Could easily be miscommunication though. I wonder if her dogs don’t have tracker chips. I’ve never had a dog, but I think most of my friends have had those put in their pets.
  19. It's such an awful situation. Like you want your dogs and of course she can afford 500k, but, if she pays them and they get away doesn't that encourage someone else to do it again? How would that even work? Like obviously the police are already involved. Just so strange to me, this bit.
  20. This is one of the worst things I have ever scene. I really hope he recovers and I hope those people are caught and face the longest sentences we can give them. I feel so awful for everyone involved. When people attack Gaga for being less present publicly, we have to remember absolutely insane things like this. The cost of fame is truly too great sometimes. 💔
  21. The one upside is that we can (I don't do this, but should) unsub from stuff when we don't need it. My goal for things like Apple TV+ and other steaming channels I don't need all the time is to just sub maybe two months of the year and catch up on everything. Sorta fails when things are new and the talk of the town though, cause then you want to be up to date.
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