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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Congrats! Y'all are really nonstop, so impressive! I struggle to accomplish the simplest of things and y'all are over here putting out amazing songs one after another!
  2. They almost definitely have not. It's so sad, they're KIDS, just let them be themselves.
  3. Not if they’re well made. Think of Silence or the Lambs or Fargo for instance. This could do really well if it’s made with taste. We have an excellent cast and an excellent director. The writer is relatively new, but seems to be up and coming. The directing and acting alone should be quite 🔥
  4. It’s so terrible. And although not in any way exclusively due to Trump’s rhetoric, but very much encouraged by it. It makes me so depressed knowing how awful people can be. I truly can’t understand it.
  5. Girl I WISH I looked ⅛th that good.
  6. Hey all, so I went over the drama of today and all the hidden posts. We could unhide them, but really, it's a lot of fighting and it's not very productive to the game. It's clear to me there some really intense flare ups against the host and judges regarding things being unclear and unfair. Obviously, as I posted earlier, I wasn't super clear the rules/criteria myself, but also - things like this are always super subjective and evolving. One judge/person might actually be a bit colorblind or have a bad monitor which shows colors in a different tone. Or a person might just submit a picture that looks differently to a few people. I don't think we should disqualify those people from playing or being a judge (if true at all) - but discussing these things, with kindness, does make sense. It's a shame we got halfway through with so much confusion, but it is a fun escape - we mostly all want to win, but we're all doing this together because it's fun. It'll be impossible to get everyone on the exact same page, but it's something we can collaboratively improve. We're in this together. The host, the judges, the players and the drama-fueled observers. That's ok, we don't have to have it all solved from the get-go. I think it's good the judges were increased as well, because it helps keep things more fair. We can offer suggestions and try to improve the game moving forward/for next time. We can ask questions for clarity. We can make fun of the judges' comments / scores or players' submissions - but don't actually attack them or put them on blast. It's lighthearted and all of our jokes should be too. Obviously, a lot of the fun is being shady, but with good intent. Just stay friendly, offer suggestions, make fun of my looks, waste your prism and interpret the game as best you can. With love, Olly's fiance
  7. Reviewing all the drama, update soon.
  8. It's crazy the power that she has. Like of course they want her for her raw talent. But the attention to a film that Gaga brings merely for being herself is truly immeasurable. I can't wait for this film to come out and I hope it's brilliant.
  9. Being them together is basically everything. I really can't wait for this movie. The talent, the beauty, the history. WOW. I know people are sad Chromatica was lacking in promo - but we still got an amazing album and we then get this. We are a blessed fanbase.
  10. I dunno if it's good or bad that I already submitted before reading all of this. Personally, I find it hard to know what's being judged in general, never mind this specific theme. I think, maybe for the second version of this, there should be categories that are judged consistently for each week. Something like this from each judge: Theme (color) use: 9.5 - prominent use of the color red Outfit: 8.1 - Fits well and looks nice. Originality: 5.5 - Not a very original look, pretty pedestrian really Overall: 7.7 I think this just makes it a bit easier to get why scores are how they are. I also don't like that there's such favoritism for one solid color. That's so boring to me and limits options. I think the theme needs to be a prominent color - but maybe not the ONLY color, otherwise we get just endless red dresses, etc. I feel there is more versatility that deserves exploring. Also, clarification on if the photo itself and the composition/backgrounds matter at all. Anyway, those are my thoughts.
  11. I have not read this, but it seems like she maybe needs to adjust where she's looking for validation. The fact that she has so many fans who love her music is what should bring her joy. Not the folks who don't love particular music. I don't envy having to deal with the critical side of fame and art.
  12. I think just a bad pic. TV was barely color back then anyway
  13. Is this even a real photo @government_alexa - why it look like you pasted her head on a drag queen's body?
  14. I'm also split on this, but it's def not a 9.5 or 10
  15. This is how I felt like every day of middle school.
  16. It honestly feels like they want her to fail.
  17. This week's popapoll is very charts related. Go vote and show your dominance:
  18. Which song do you think will replace Driver's License on the Hot 100? Might it happen post Grammys? Maybe later? Do we need a surprise drop from Adele? Will the BTS army go wild after the Grammys? Will Lil Nas finally release his next big hit "Call Me By Your Name?" Get your predictions in now before the Grammys.
  19. I'm so mixed on this. I'm nervous the Dems won't really take any more seats (so unlikely with us having both the White House and Congress) but that more Trump-like right-wing-nuts will take over the Senate as they quickly as they are starting to take over the House. The fillbuster will eventually fall (I think it's a bad decision honestly) and when the Republicans get full control again it's going to be really, really scary.
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