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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. New to me, but it's pretty. Will add to the list.
  2. Well, I wouldn't call any of them exemplary, haha. Here's a shot of the messy eclairs and profiteroles
  3. I've been making some French things recently. Profiteroles, eclairs, various creme pats and madeleines.
  4. Yaassss. I made banana muffins. Half chocolate chip, half cinnamon. I've been eating one every like 2 hours.
  5. This is me in my youth. When I was a svelte 38.
  6. It truly did. Our terrible version of fireworks
  7. Hey popsters! We are so very excited to announce our two mods to the team: @Joesuda and @Sir.Sim! They'll be joining @Bakugo, @Dirkje, @SLAG and myself. We had an outstanding number of applicants and it was really hard narrowing it down. Thank you to everyone who applied and keep your toes peeled for some future additions and changes to the PA911 team. Our new mods are excellent members who have spread kindness throughout the forum and have been here since the first day. Please give them a congratulations and welcome them in their new role. All changes take time, so please be kind and respectful as we chart forward with our newest team members. I'd also like to point out that we're adding both a cat and dog to the team. May the pets of PA911 always reign supreme.
  8. Yes, I've seen a handful them in unfinished state and they're truly beautiful. Don't know if they'll be everyone's tastes, but they're certainly mine.
  9. Lol, that has since moved into my roommate's room. We must have like 30+ plants now, but he only lets me keep two in my room, both of which are presently alive, lol. He went home for the month of Feb and I almost killed the palm, but it lived! I did kill a smaller plant tho, whoops. The plant in my room that I love in a pot I found from a local maker upstate:
  10. I've already mis-reacted a few times with the adjusted flow. But this order makes the most sense I think.
  11. Imagine if I had made flop -1. It was debated.
  12. I don't use cosmetics and certainly haven't used Haus. That said I think Gaga is both very invested in this product/brand, but also constrained by the realities of the industry. As involved and as much as I assume Gaga cares, the fact is that they're not going to hire scientists or invest in the research and production line necessary to create things that are wholly new. So when it comes to the products themselves, they're coming from the same companies producing most other products. She can be super involved in the color palettes, the style of cosmetics and what they focus on putting out first. But they're relying on their partners. As for packaging, I think that's just cost savings, unfortunately. I'm sure everyone involved thinks they look good and align with the aesthetic they want even if they feel cheap.
  13. I intended to give love a +2 reaction, but this website won't actually let me. Might try to hack it one day.
  14. Oops, fixed. Also, don't forget you can always click that little eraser to remove any font color changes.
  15. Hey popsters. A couple changes have just gone live with reactions. There is a new permanent love reaction, a new shook reaction replaces wtf? and moving forward flop reacts will not reward reaction points. These shall be our reactions moving forward (with reputation gain) and a description of their use. A few may take on unique themes when appropriate. Like (+1): This reaction will be our default reaction that will change periodically (e.g. 'yeehaw,' 'cheers'). No matter the flavor, it will always be a positive 'like' reaction at its core. Love (+1): This reaction is new and should be used when you really love a post. This too might have unique flavors from time to time (bringing this back as 'love and cookies' until our new art is ready). Yaas, Gaga (+1): When you see a post and just have to shout 'Yaas, Gaga" at it. lol (+1): Our funny react, as you've always known it. Thanks (+1): A classy thank you to a post. Sad (+1): For posts that make you sad. Hugs (+1): Showing support for serious posts. Shook (+1): When something leaves you shook or confused. Flop (+0): A shady react that shouldn't be taken nor used too seriously. Any of your previous flop reactions will maintain their previous +1 rep, but future flop reacts will earn no reputation. As always, please do not spam reactions. Reactions are going to be undergoing a two step change. The second will be a visual change as I've commissioned brand new, original art for all of our reactions. That work is underway and we hope to have it later this Spring. Cheers
  16. Warm days are meant to be spent biking and eating around the city
  17. In a revamped Enigma? I think she'd add RoM, 911, Free Woman and Enigma. I think we'd only get Sine or SC if they show up to sing it with her.
  18. I almost tripled my active ring yesterday, but today it is raining and my walk to a bagel seems as far as I'll go tbh
  19. Let me throw this bagel I bought into the trash right now...
  20. Yeah, I would imagine they really WANT it to happen and are hoping and hoping, but maybe it's past possibility. Sigh.
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