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Kindness Admin
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Status Updates posted by admin

  1. The way I promised two different projects to people at work and then went and spent my last 90 minutes on this site instead of doing them :rip:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lorde Von Kok

      Lorde Von Kok

      A devoted admin. We have to stan. 


    3. Daddy


      The devotion :shakes: @admin

    4. ProjectJoanne


      @GrasimBut was it electric? :ohhh:

  2. Hey Popsters! Sorry, I was insanely busy with work last week and will be this week as well. But, it shouldn't be as bad. I'll see y'all around today for the Awards. Rooting for most of you :snake:


  3. AHHH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you and you're a shining star to this site and the entire Gaga community. So blessed to have you.

  4. I'm working late on my job job to make up for some time missed this week :sweat: - I'm reviewing a new test version of a site we're launching NEXT WEEK and I'm 1/3rd through and have found 29 errors :unamused:

    Gonna be a long night

    1. nynj nights

      nynj nights

      Ugh that must be so frustrating, sorry to hear. Maybe the errors won’t be too bad to fix or you’ll get through the review faster than expected. Hang in there and good luck!

    2. Gone


      Best of luck with the remainder! I have faith in you! Thank you for your tireless efforts!

    3. admin


      We'll launch one way or another, haha

  5. Sleep time for me. Please check out the new Discover page, I hope you like, I spent a lot of time designing it and coding it. All during #NoDessertJanuary, pray for me, haha.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gone


      No @... not cigarettes.

    3. nynj nights

      nynj nights

      Looks great and so easy to use on mobile! Awesome work :gaga-thanks:

    4. admin


      @Bakugo you made me lol with thinking that smoking ad was me being aggressive, hahahahaha 

  6. I know you haven't been around in a bit, but happy birthday!

  7. Don't forget to visit the Hub page and vote for your reactions. The shade reaction is very tight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. little legend

      little legend

      @Twitter obviously , especially on an annoying ostrich:snake:

    3. little legend

      little legend

      and i have only use it806 timesflop not even 1.000:snake:

    4. little legend

      little legend

      @Twitter our feelings reactions are reciprocal

  8. V2.2 update coming Wednesday - look out for updates to Discover and a cute Team page. Don’t forget to vote on reactions :bunny:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dirkje


      Looks like we're gonna Discover the new! XD

    3. Daddy


      Excited!! :bunny:

    4. danwasd


      Eggsited :bunny:

  9. Working on popa V2.2 which will be out this weekend :romance:

  10. So tired. Yay democracy. Always vote, always support black and minority voices. 

    1. Dirkje


      Yaaasss! Even as someone that doesnt live in the US! Lets go!

    2. danwasd


      I'd be really frustrated politically if I had to vote in the US :nicki_scream:

  11. Happy bday, your avi haunts me on a daily basis :D. Have an amazing day!


    1. Brecht


      hahahha whyyy?? thank you tho! :happydance:

  12. Testing this 'Popster Hub?' :awkney:

  13. Happy New Years Popsters! It's 2021 in NY and I'm listening to Chromatica as my first album of the year.

    Also posting this from the upcoming community page :romance:

    1. Gone


      Yaaaass HAPPY NEW YEAR KING!! 

  14. Happy birthday!!! :happydance:

    1. kaelergrey


      Happy Birthdayyyyyyy :sweat:

  15. Hope everyone is having lovely a holiday / end of the year - regardless of what they celebrate. I’m with limited family and juggling lots of babies and eating about 6 meals a day. 

    Cheers popsters :gagatree:

  16. Happy birthday. I hope, as King of Spain, you have a rather amazing bday.

  17. I’m with (v limited) family this week, so probably won’t be on the site these next few days. Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it! Hope y’all have a lovely week either way and I hope The Weeknd gets justice. :kiss:

    1. Gone


      Enjoy your time off with family! 

    2. kaelergrey
  18. Just a heads up popsters. I am having low-key surgery in the morning, so I'll be out of commission at least the whole day/some of the weekend. I'll be fine, it's not a big deal, but just try not to blow the place up while I'm away :kiss:.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lavenderblondee


      Hoping for a fast recovery and feeling better than you did before! :kiss:

      I will try NOT burn the place down, but I can't make any promises...


    3. admin


      I'm back and I'm doing ok! Thank you all so much. My mother has stopped panicking, haha.

    4. Gone


      Fantastic to hear you are thriving!

  19. What an amazing day! Congrats all. I spent most of the day dancing around NYC and then ate some celebratory steak in a cute French restaurant in Brooklyn. We did it y’all. 

    Time to play the ASIB soundtrack and sleeeeep. :kiss:


  20. Happy Halloween Popsters :jack-grin:  

    Hope y’all had amazing days and spooky nights. 

  21. Free Woman just came on and it gave me LIFE. That's all. First status. :ari_roll:

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :shine:

    1. calmar


      Thank you! :romance:

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