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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Normally I am very on the Oscars game and see just about all major nominee movies, but this year, along with the rest of my life, I haven't seen basically any. Hoping to start to catch up over the next few months. Anyway, we'll be blessed if Gags gets her Oscar nom.
  2. Hi my messy loves. I'm disabling flop reacts for a bit while I get back to finishing the redesign for the site and planning how to reorganize and proceed. I think temperatures have fumed up multiple times which isn't good for anyone, esp during this holiday/covid-y times. I hope everyone is safe and I hope someone is writing an 80 page biography about me.
  3. That’s quite a good opening for this type of rated R drama-fest - never mind during a pandemic. “House of Gucci is aiming to leverage its all-star ensemble led by Lady Gaga — a strong draw for young women” They think just the women are turning out for Gags?
  4. I think we'll get one more album before she's married and pregnant. Maybe one pop/rock record and one holiday album right before she pops.
  5. Honestly, I think the MV makes sense because it's beautiful and when you understand what Tony's going through it makes it a very loving affair of an artist and friend who is fading away. That is something quite rare. When it comes to Record and AOTY - I mean, I'll take it haha,
  6. I literally almost fell out of my seat. I thought we'd be BLESSED to get two. WOW. I guess I'll listen to it again
  7. We'll never get anywhere. OT: I've only listened to 30 once, which is nothing, but I was v impressed by many songs.
  8. If I don't post officially, yes. But I'll probably post officially, just cause it's good promo, ha.
  9. I think a lot of tweets captured it really well. It's a very fun movie that is surprisingly funny.
  10. Yeah, I haven't read his yet, although I will take a peak after I finish mine. And then I'll debate publishing, ha.
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