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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. I think I had heard it before, but it vanished from my life.
  2. This deadline one is unreal. maybe I'll actually update my phone's Lock Screen.
  3. I love this video, but the song I dunno if I ever need to hear that again tbh
  4. Y'all, I am sick with a stomach bug (I hope I guess) - how are y'all?

    1. Daddy


      Omg take care king!! 
      I’m doing just fine!! 

  5. No need to apologize. You are an amazing person and you're a massive part of why this site was able to take off like it did and kept going. Even now, when so many of us are less than present; your kindness, leadership and enthusiasm remain palpable. I'm glad you're taking mental health so seriously, nothing is more important. Always here (both me and everyone here) for whenever you need to chat about anything serious, not at all serious or 100% Gaga. So many hugs, can't wait to see how much better you're going to feel through this journey.
  6. I agree with this. I haven't seen all the movies, but she deserves a nom. I do think in the end she'll fall out of my top 5, but we'll see!
  7. Bought an Apple Watch 7, going to pair it in a little bit and then bring it right back to apple in 11 days.
  8. Go get yourself educated Frenchie. https://mashable.com/article/betty-white-highlights-streaming
  9. Words no one will ever use for me in this marathon
  10. So I still have my Apple Watch Series 4. My plan was to get battery service on it and keep it for a few more years. HOWEVER, it's at 81% max capacity, and I only get the battery rate when it hits 79%. There is a CHANCE it'll make it through my marathon, but I think it'll die in the final like 30 minutes. Do I buy a new Apple Watch this week, run the marathon and do Disney in it, and then come back and return it a week later? Gimme your thoughts Apple Stans.
  11. A treasure we've all been blessed to have had in our lives.
  12. Welcome! Sorry about covid, hope you're doing ok! I'm basically new here too, I'm admin Her best song ty
  13. Ohmycron has come to ruin any happiness to be found sadly.
  14. So happy to see this megarate produce solid results. Free Woman is the only remix that has made it into my daily listening tho, not going to lie.
  15. Flop will return, when everyone is feeling healthier, lol.
  16. Did LfS actually get boosts from the noms and tv shows? Did anyone spot me in the One Last Time special? I haven't watched.
  17. What're everyone's fav movies this year? I saw Spiderman last night which I mostly loved. Honestly, I think it's worthy of one Oscar acting nom (that it won't get), I'll put in a spoiler for those who haven't seen it.
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