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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Yeah, I'm pretty surprised he didn't do an arena tour, I think he would've sold it. As I was helplessly clicking on tickets to be told they were already taken (I think I got the 22nd pair I clicked) I watched them rise from $79 to $85 to $99 (when I finally got some). Wild.
  2. Did anyone get tickets for these shows? I got some Lil Was so far, but it was STRESSFUL and Lizzo has proven to be even more so (for NYC).
  3. Love this. I almost exclusively listen to music via Apple Music. The second and third I’ll answer together. I typically make a “daily” playlist each season (so four times a year) which is my default playlist whenever I causally listen to music. Most of the time Gaga is the most dominant artist on it, especially the year after an album. Right now, I’ve tried to only add new songs to my spring list, but did add a few Gaga after a month. So usually daily or close to it, at least a little. When I want to listen to Gaga I’ll usually play an album. Again, the first year after an album that’s like nonstop. But in between it can be every week or every month even sometimes.
  4. I often find other people describe songs in a very different way than I would. Totally agree with you. Better to judge on our own.
  5. I was so confused by that post, but happy she’s able to have the new family she’s been meaning to have. Hoping everything works out and is stable.
  6. Honestly, I almost want the video to be fake because it would be such a serve, lol
  7. Shall I rename the site? I can't imagine she did anything but the one song. I also would be surprised if Hans was involved in it, but the slay if he is.
  8. When I was in le France, a woman was singing songs in a court in old nice and she ended with ARUTW and I was SHOOK. When I say the Frenchies CLAPPED.
  9. I'm too old for that. When everyone is acting like this:
  10. It's very pretty, get happy when I walk by.
  11. The mix is nice. It's ok to have songs that are just fun and song that break your heart and songs that say something really meaningful. That mix is really nice.
  12. It vanished while I was off having baguettes with the French
  13. I really think she's going to have a sweep with song, record and album. I hope it's in two year's and not when she's like 60 tho.
  14. Who has the performance video? I just woke up and haven't seen yet !
  15. He is indeed deactivated, at least for now. He needed a break. I'm pretty terrible tbh, but I appreciate this.
  16. I think this is the right call. We can discuss looks and choices and etc, of course. What we want to steer clear of being disrespectful, misogynistic, etc. People will have different gauges for what is and is not too far. Some people love a repeated joke and throwback and some find it increasingly irritating. When it comes to jokes and comments that tread the line of acceptability, how one continuously (or a group together) treat something also matters. The balance is hard, it won't make everyone happy, but generally not attacking people because they see something different from you and valuing how another feels about a situation is most important. People don't get along in real life and opinions / different comfort levels divide people constantly. I don't mean to be didactic, but telling people why and how they've upset you while listening is the key. And if someone keeps upsetting you, report them and we can talk about it/to them. You know, be kind, be considerate and when you want to drag and fight someone cause it's getting personal - try to have a conversation and don't assume they've done something with malice.
  17. I’m a no. Because I think it almost automatically starts a world war :(
  18. ABOUT to listen to a podcast about this. Will respond after, ha.
  19. I got way in the back field tickets for LA. Not the ideal, but I'll be happy to be there, especially since it's the last show of the tour (at least for now).
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