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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Wow. STUNNING. I really can't wait for B7. Is it coming Friday or what? What's the tea? Also: this is on repeat in my head
  2. Some people tho, they just don't work on the same wavelength and don't care about conslueqenuces that are likely to only marginally impact their fancy lives. Truly unreal.
  3. Oh wow, that's really scary to see. I wish people would just chill and focus on letting everyone succeed.
  4. Seems to be. I think I something something that said you swipe up the dock like you do now and tap the left side to bring that up. Which implies maybe that space isn't given back, even when it's hidden? Haven't seen it on video yet.
  5. Apparently both can be turned off! This is huge actually.
  6. Yeah, I honestly can't believe it. They previous two pro models are only marginally less powerful. Just nonsense.
  7. Oh wow, I'd never seen these either. Also, TEOG is truly her masterpiece.
  8. Yeah, I feel the dock should be hidden by default. Esp on the iPad because there is such limited space. But maybe it works better in use, I dunno. I do think it'll be good for external displays, which are usually large enough that that's fine. IF I could use my iMac as an external display, everything would be peachy, but of course, no.
  9. Yeah, this is bullish*t. I am surprised because I feel they would never do things like this before. The Series 3 should've been discontinued two years ago.
  10. I will be sad for iPad Air 2 to finally be cut off. But I'm also ready to buy an M2 iPad Pro this year. REALLY not sold on Stage Manager as the solution to iPad's woes tho. Excited to play with it.
  11. Why does it look so bad? Then again, I had a friend who posted a selfie with a cutout of the queen last week and I was sure it was real, so
  12. Wait, what type of person takes a cold shower? Other than not having an option or I suppose if it's super hot out. I like didn't know people did this, ha.
  13. We love a trailer! Congrats, this is super exciting.
  14. @Daddy is really holding down the fort with me coming in and out depending on my schedule and others as well when they have time. Hopefully it's not too painful
  15. Certainly not a love on first listen song for me. I hope it goes more the way of The Cure where after a few days of listening I LOVED it VS Sine which after a few weeks of listening I'm much more 'it's ok' now. I can't really see it being a hit tho.
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