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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. I don't know if Gaga would ever remove the theatricality from her singing, never mind on an entire record. The Folklore style isn't really hers, but also, the GP is fickle and what's in today will change tomorrow. I think Gaga will produce one (or more later in life) Folklore-style album which is filled with quieter, piano driven introspective songs. I think that album will be a smash, regardless of what's in favor that day.
  2. We've been trash all summer and now with schools reopening and Florida FULLY reopening, we're going to have an AWFUL fall/winter. And trump might still win. It's literally unreal. I hope you and your family get through ok, I'm sorry :(
  3. I love Billie (and especially her brother tbh), but it's way too soon for this. That said, she did have a very interesting slow-burn into the industry at a very large age, so that is something that maybe is worth capturing now. But I dunno, seems a bit much. I'll watch it, duh.
  4. I think when Gaga decides to have a family (get married, have a kid) she will take a break. But I think she'll release some low-key stuff at the time. And when you say she took 4 years to put out Chromatica, don't forget she released ASIB too. She has been pretty persistent in her output. I think we'll get something next year cause of the pandemic. She has the time to fully take over the movie soundtrack or do something else. She might not, depression sucks and no one should expect anything, but I think it's possible. She's happy now and she writes music when she's happy.
  5. I think we'll get another album next year. Either her doing a full soundtrack or something she mostly wrong this year during covid with an HAC-lean. I think a baby and break from 2022-2024 is possible. I hope during that break we het her holiday album. I want that so bad.
  6. It's not! It rose the most, but all the tracks had nice bumps (aside from the other singles in black and Chromatica III in light blue which is truly meaningless, ha). This is a messy chart, sorry!
  7. Yes please. No need to tear others down. Stay kind @entela and @ItsGenuineGuy09. But we should all celebrate and be happy that of all the talented women making music, we decided to Stan an actual Goddess who will have impact in her 80s
  8. @HitTheBoat Current Chromatica Spotify by weekly change:
  9. No video game soundtrack grabbed me as much as Super Mario Galaxy. I thought the music was just as gorgeous as the game, and it’s one of my favorite games of all time, definitely my favorite Nintendo game. Only video game soundtrack I’ve ever purchased.
  10. 😭😭😭 I’ll never forget when I first heard that trailer.
  11. Welcome sis Oops . I actually added two more levels. @bengtalked some sense to me. Climb baby climb. I feel Gaga might be more connected to her acting like when she is also making music for that role. So I wouldn’t mind if she did both. Not to mention, with covid, she has the time. Either way I’m stoked for the movie.
  12. I never would’ve considered Postal Service as a dance/electronic album. I haven’t heard that in a decade, I’m going to go listen right now. Chromatica should eventually get over 21 weeks. But I feel by this time next year the only Gaga album sometimes taking #1 will be The Fame again.
  13. admin

    Gaga x Tudor

    They’re all the same to me tbh.
  14. You can post in non-standard fonts and leave them if you like. I might turn that off, but thought I’d see how it works for now. Welcome I don’t wanna support that, but it’s at least as deserving as our splash splash song. Yes! I’ll post an update tonight or tomorrow.
  15. admin

    Gaga x Tudor

    So Gaga is back promoting Tudor cause she loves money (me too): But can someone tell them to redo this with a Chromatica interlude? Thank you.
  16. It's not too surprising since it's a non-event so far outside the video. Let's just hope it stays around half a million for a bit and Gaga promotes it more. Work harder popsters
  17. Position but poison no more who has the pre-asib numbers?
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