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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. I had never listened to the pre-SC, but I can't wait to listen to this. I won't lie, I don't love either of those first singles, but still excited. We support our allies
  2. OMG CONGRATS to Nicki! So happy for her. Added these emojis just now in her honor
  3. Ps y'all, we going to pass 200 pages (266.6666 on some other site) in two weeks. So glad to have you all here .
  4. I do think part of it is automatic. I assume the YouTube algorithm messed up and they submitted a fix and it likely took that long to be fixed. Whether or not billboard got the right numbers or not, who knows, but I could see it not charting even with it tbh
  5. I can't wait. he's so talented and I love his music, esp the last album. He only had that one minor case of fraud, lol. I want the rest tho.
  6. Indeed. Just a reminder to be nice to everyone. Don't yell at people or insinuate they are dumb. Stay nice or I'll give you a warning. OT: We're still in top 5 daily women on Spotify. That is CRAZY y'all
  7. I don't think they had the win based on chart numbers. They don't cheat the winners for the BBMAs, it would be so easy to prove them wrong.
  8. I think he has basically no good points. Anything he does that has a marginally ok effect typically still stems from from a place of fear, greed or racism. The US definitely has a severe ego problem, one potentially positive effect of Trump is that when it's all over it might actually humble us a bit. We can hope anyway. I PRAY Biden will win, because so many more people have come around to see Trump's disgrace, even if his large support base is as strong as ever. I WISH we had Bernie, or better, Warren. Sigh.
  9. Pretty sure all the noms are based on charts so the only flop is our own.
  10. Does anyone have Monday's Spotify numbers for each song on Chromatica? I forgot to pull them, whoops! Maybe @chartgaga
  11. Did anyone else watch that? I know this forum, so far, is pretty international but wow. Maybe the worst thing I've ever seen. I don't know what's worse: how embarrassing our nation is right now or that there are still tens of millions of people supporting Donald Trump. Truly, an immeasurable loss for the United States and the world.
  12. I think it's really a mix of the world and just that Gaga is deep into her career. She doesn't need and doesn't want to hustle the way she did when she was newer, like Dua is now. She's earned her place on the pantheon and that's what it is. Also, honestly, I/we love Chromatica, but it's not the GP's fave, that's just a fact.
  13. admin

    Classical Music

    Beautiful. Maybe I should listen to classical music more. You can play this on piano after our French tennis lessons.
  14. Probably bigger than TEOG, but it has no right to be. I'd think smaller than Applause. Unsure tho.
  15. Omg I LOVE this. Makes me want to play it. I always thought since I play Animal Crossing I didn't really need it in my life. What do you think?
  16. Y'all give her less than a week before you call it a blackout . I know you're not that serious, but it makes me laugh. We chartsters want our girl to have all the success, but honestly, we care way more than she does
  17. I remember hearing Just Dance and instantly disliking it. I thought it was just a sorta bland girl that couldn’t sing doing soulless pop. I knew there was hype around her and she refused to show her face / had a penis and I just couldn’t be bothered. Then I saw her perform Just Dance on the View and I was surprised she showed her face and that she was singing live. From there I started getting into her more at the club, especially Poker Face. Then came her VMA performance, which to me, was life changing. We essentially bought tickets to her first Monster Ball show in Montreal that next week and built a whole trip to the city around it. I remember the album came out just before the trip and nothing has ever been the same.
  18. I think they wanted to see how the reaction went before they commit. I think they’ll push it more. I also really think they’ll push Fun Tonight and/or Babylon in 2021. 10000000% this. And folklore is legit incredible, just like Taylor. Chromatica’s terrible luck is literally irrelevant compared to what’s happening this year, but it’s what we got.
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