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Kindness Admin
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Hi hi. What’s up We all streaming Bloody Mary?
  2. I love a Rihanna ballad, but this one hasn't quite captured me yet. Maybe cause I can't stop listening to Midnights tho.
  3. Honestly, so excited for this. I’ve seen Ri live and she f’n slayed. She’s not a Gaga-level performer, but she kills it and she has one of the most iconic discographies of all the modern pop icons. Surely she’ll be launching her music comeback album with this too. Unreal promo, unreal comeback. The numbers will be amazing. Not sure she could top Midnights, but it’s a fight I’d pay to see.
  4. Same. True or not, it will happen and it will be good. Taylor can sing, even if she's no Gaga or Bey.
  5. So long as they stream Fun Tonight 5 times too. But seriously, TEOG should be in her top 5 most streamed songs. It's absurd.
  6. We'd have to substantially increase before it changed the cost of the site, haha.
  7. I would like to repeat this x1000. @Daddy handles about 95% of all the work on this site from a modding perspective and he's always gracious and kind. He works hard, tries to be fair to everyone and very reluctantly grabs me when he needs (although you can ALWAYS ping me and should never hesistate). Thank you so much for holding this site together with your bare hands for so long
  8. Hi lovlies. A) Go to this thread and let me know what you want from the website in the future. B) Stay polite and kind to each other and the mod and team leaders. It isn't easy. or be banned
  9. Hey popsters. I've been pretty distant from the site over the past year and I'm sorry about that. Between life events and the "post-covid" world I've just had less time for the the site. That said, I would like to be more present and help devlop a new version of the site that everyone will enjoy and might attract some new blood to the forum. We really only have one active mod at the moment, @Daddy. Please be respectful to him as he's taken on an insane amount of responsibility for the site in this past year while juggling a ton of work in his personal life. There is no space for being rude to others and especially to team members who try to make the site better for everyone. Two things I'd like to work on over the next few weeks and then months: New mods and a re-look at our policies. If anyone wants to be a mod, please let me know. I know at least one person who wants to help out. Redesign. Remember when that was to launch a year ago? Whoops. It is half done, but I'm going to get back to it and make some new changes depending on what people are looking for. This is a holiday-time release with my current schedule. But most importantly, what are you wanting from the site? We utilize only a few threads at the moment, do you like that? Are there types of threads, posts or content you'd like to see more of? What would make you want to start new threads more often? What would you like to see on the homepage when you arrive? Should we highlight charts and user-insights outside of the charts thread? Sound off (but be nice) and let me know what you want, want you don't want and what you had for breakfast.
  10. I guess this is my fault for hiding during the Euro shows, but I want a Chromatica Ball fit thread to see what everyone has and is wearing. Just bought a new outfit for Friday's show, lol.
  11. Houston should be canceled tbh. It's embarrassing. TEoG hate shocks me every single day. Tragic.
  12. I can't with her lies about this and that the show was in NY. I liked it tbh. This made me so happy. Will always be her best song. Her best performance of it on tour will always be Joanne tho. See y'all both there. Hmm, maybe I should build a charts section for things like this to be easily accessible
  13. Just got back from the show. WOW. GOBSMACKED. THAT WOMAN. Her best tour since BTW. Absolutely loved it and I will not return to the forum, haha. Sorry for you all. OH - AND I WON (spoilers below) But it just took me 3.5 hours to get home. So NIGHT. love y’all, mostly love Gaga
  14. We LOVE an award season. I still think they could fit in the 2023 one - and normally would, so I still think it's a Gaga conflict. And I'm here for it.
  15. I've been gone, but I LOVE this. Not the numbers obviously, haha, just your chart. Economist be shook.
  16. Why on earth would it release in 2024 if it's filming end of the year? Or maybe cause Gaga has too much going on next fall to do promo
  17. HOLY SH*T. I am in a meeting and almost GAGGED publicly. WE ARE BEING FED. Plus, no way we don't get a new album and Gaga-sized era next year through the 2024 Grammys. WOW.
  18. Wanted to stop briefly for Renaissance. I’ve been avoiding everything Gaga until I see the tour in a few weeks (sorry!) - I like Bey‘s album, but not as much as I love the last several, but it’s great. Will be glad to bop to it at the club. Last weekend the club I was in Brooklyn and the DJ seamlessly transitioned from Babylon to Break my Soul and it was TRANSCENDENT Her Spotify numbers are great, but ofc I am happy to see it below Chromatica But pls don’t be super shady. Dropped into ATRL and had to RUN stay classy Be back post Chromatica Ball in “NY”
  19. Stunning as always. Can't wait for this 16 track album. We are blessed this summer.
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