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Kindness Admin
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  1. Haha, yeah. NYC DJ Ty Sunderland runs Gayflower boats all summer - with at least one Gaga boat each year. I go to several each year (Gaga, Brat and Pride boats this summer). They're a good time. If you're ever in NYC during the summer, a must do! He's a Gaga Stan and almost always plays Gaga's national anthem at this point on every boat (unless it's someone like Beyonce and then they'll play her version, but for people like Charli they still play Gaga's).
  2. It was so bad. We eventually just gave up and walked a mile away to be able to call an Uber. PS on Gaga touring in general. She's definitely a bit behind Bey and Pink in their most recent tours, but I don't think she falls behind them on interest level or ability. Bey's last tour came after her biggest album in a while and it supersized that tour a bit. Gaga could easily match it next year, if she wants to. She might do the same markets / same shows per market - but she'll be able to sell out 50 stadium shows even if LG-7 is Chromatica-sized. If LG-7 blows up, I bet she could do 75+. The movie won't hurt either.
  3. I'll put this in a spoiler tag for anyone that doesn't want to be depressed by JFAD projections. But BoxOfficePro revised their OG estimate for JFAD.
  4. Yeah, he's pretty awful, but he's also well informed and has a lot of experience. I stopped following him cause he's just too much and he's rude. The numbers are concerning, but I stand by my 100+ opening. I'm not yet worried.
  5. It'll also take a little longer because almost no one watches the ceremony anymore, it will depend if the upload to YouTube takes off / anyone talks about it after a day.
  6. Today is the last day, so first 'rollover' day is tomorrow. I agree it shouldn't free-fall and will probably go up a little more over the week. Def pass Madonna, maybe not Justin?
  7. If Taylor has a collab with Charli, it's going to be huge, lol. Not saying it would open at #1, but it'd be huge. Yeah, the promo for this movie is quite condensed and is really going into overdrive now. I am worried about the low presales, but not at the level some seem to be. Still way too early and I truly cannot see this movie opening under 100.
  8. It did sound like that for a second, but hard to know. I thought Katy, Sabrina and Chappell all killed it. Chappell most of all.
  9. This is just sourcing the same account on Twitter. Ps I used to follow that account (cause I love movies and the box office), but he was so toxic and dramatic I had to unfollow him. Not saying the numbers are good, but don’t look to him as the bellwether. I am still expecting a 100+ opening until a much more reputable report comes out.
  10. I'm actually in London for this week, how do I get into the premiere and how do I get into this audience? I think if we have enough activity to support multiple threads, that's a good thing. This website has been pretty small and there hasn't been a ton of Gaga news, so consolidating everything into one thread made sense. With JFAD instigating such in-depth discussion which can be annoying for some people, I agree it makes sense to push those types of conversations there. It's a lot easier to keep up with what you're interested in if multiple threads are thriving. Of course, we can still track numbers and such here, but in depth opining is best in its own space. I don't even know how to watch such a thing in the year 2024 of our Godga.
  11. PS for those wondering about presales and why: In the US almost all theatres require seat reservations and IMAX and Dolby premium screens have become the preferred method for seeing big movies. Tickets for all big movies go on weeks in advance so people can snatch opening weekend premium seats. How much of an ‘event’ a movie is can be gleaned by early presales which usually translates to opening weekend, loosely. Of course, a massive bulk of most movies comes from regular people not preordering, but for a film like this, we’d expect robust presales (even if not as much as a typical MCU/DC film). I subscribe to AMC A-List - I can see 3 movies a week on any AMC screen in NYC - so any movie I want to see opening weekend (or first few weekends/weeks if it’s a big film) in our best IMAX screen requires buying basically immediately after they go on sale. And that has slowly translated to more and more people doing the same. Dune IMAX screens sold out (or nearly) for weeks in NYC within a day of presales. I actually messed up and got perfect seats for the Monday IMAX early screening of JFAD, then deleted them by accident and a minute later went back and was regulated to way off to the side seating. But I have pretty good seats for Saturday night that week.
  12. Just a note that everyone is entitled to love and support any artist they like. Others don’t have to be a fan, of course, but don’t drag people/artists just because you dislike them. There’s no benefit spending time and energy arguing completely different numbers/music/performances/etc that in the end just prove that each artist is a pretty big success (and artists have highs and lows - something we should know well). We have a need to compete, especially against Gaga, and it’s really not necessary or productive. You can always mute someone. But you can also DM them and try to be civil and see if you can get along without arguing over and over. And if you can’t, maybe that’s ok - you have differing opinions, but you can both hopefully move on and not let it eat at you. The best thing you can ever do is be kind to someone who annoys you, try to listen and then move on and have a better rest of your day. Also, as someone in their mid-30s I absolutely love Gaga, Bey, Adele, Taylor and many of the new girls like Billie, Chappell and Olivia. I don’t really care for Tate, Kim P or even Britney. It’s cool, happy for them anyway. I’ve never loved Katy, but I love a lot of her songs and I am mostly sad for her and hope people [like us] don’t ruin her mood (and yes, I agree she partially did this to herself by her choices, but anyway). TMI:
  13. The numbers aren't great, movies like this have years and years of history to track early indicators like pre-sale numbers, but it isn't super indicative yet. This is a different type of movie than a standard action-superhero movie. The first Joker's presales started two weeks later than this as well (with the exact same opening date), so it's not easy to make a comparison. We should have a better idea in two weeks, but honestly, we're not going to have a great idea until the week before. Also worth noting, the last movie did substantially more money overseas than in the US. That number too will really depend on the feedback the movie gets with a second wave of reviews and fan previews. It could really go any way. I still wouldn't bet against 100+ and I'm revising my estimate from 150 to 130. This thread basically encompasses it all, including very similar rumination on anything gaga or music. Movies are equally suitable here, but also fine if another thread takes off. I think it sounds pretty good. We'll see!
  14. I don’t think any other collabs are coming this year before (or after) the LG7 lead. I could see something next year from the album. But if the Chappell collab is on her album / just a droplet - I think it’s a while away. A remix could probably drop anytime without much fanfare, but I don’t think Gaga would do a remix.
  15. I remember the day before the song came out you posted the Spotify top 10 and you said it would be a long time before we saw this chart without Gaga and I thought “don’t get your hopes up” and now look at us. I’m so humbled Just a quick note that she went straight to the bottom because she went from a bunch of lead rankings to no supporting rankings. She has started to rise, but it’ll take some time- we’ll likely have to wait for the movie to open. The switch and negative movie reaction will definitely hurt though (at least in the short term).
  16. My two favorite Gaga songs 😭😭😭 Well, undoubt it
  17. Still waiting for Edge of Glory to get the Judas treatment it deserves
  18. The trend since covid has been lower estimates that rise over time. There is a chance the reviews hold us back, but really we should be aiming for 150+ to be a breakout success IMO. But, of course, anything over 100+ is great.
  19. PS. I think in 25 years Gaga will be top 3 with Taylor and Beyoncé. And in 50 she might be top 2.
  20. I honestly cannot imagine Gaga not being top 10. I think she should be top 5, but I’m sticking to top 10 or I’ll burn Billboard down. This is what I imagine we’ll see: 10. Justin Bieber 9. The Weeknd 8. Adele 7. Eminem 6. Kanye West 5. Lady Gaga 4. Drake 3. Rihanna 2. Taylor Swift 1. Beyonce Other people who could maybe break into the top 10: BTS, Ariana Grande, Harry Styles, Britney (if she counts), Coldplay (if they count).
  21. Tbh I think it will be Good Luck Babe after the VMAs. I think Roan is going to be the defining performance of the night and it’ll cement her stardom the way Gaga’s 2009 did (not saying it’ll be THAT good, but you never know). I think our time comes in October with radio support and Joker.
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