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Kindness Admin 7,949

I know the election is in the US, but there is covid, other elections and just life. This week feels quite heavy to me and I spent hours arguing with family on FB that uncounted votes are not fraudulent, just votes that take time to count during a pandemic. Sigh.

Anyway, I'm tired and exhausted and very scared for America, but I'm OK anyway. 

How is everyone?

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Pop-a-911-ster 41,846

Awww @admin thinking of you and sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.

I’m doing okay, super nervous and still scared of the future and all the recounts and possible litigation that could be ahead for us. Also disappointed my home state of Maine allowed Trump’s puppet Susan Collins to stay in office and I’m pretty sure my lesbian friend in Florida voted for Trump and it doesn’t make any damn sense to me....

OTHER THAN THAT..doing well and trying to remain positive and remain hopeful with the way things look right now!Monsters Inc Hug GIF

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I've been keeping up with the elections all day, checking while at work. It's so nerve racking, and I'm not even American. 

I'm okay though. Been a bit mopey because my car's having more problems and I've already spent so much money on it the past year fixing it. I miss not having to drive! England's going back into lockdown from midnight tonight too, so Christmas is pretty much cancelled. Woop.

Let's hope Biden wins and Britney's freed, then 2020 could be salvaged :nicki_scream:

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Kindness Admin 7,949
4 minutes ago, paradox said:

I've been keeping up with the elections all day, checking while at work. It's so nerve racking, and I'm not even American. 

I'm okay though. Been a bit mopey because my car's having more problems and I've already spent so much money on it the past year fixing it. I miss not having to drive! England's going back into lockdown from midnight tonight too, so Christmas is pretty much cancelled. Woop.

Let's hope Biden wins and Britney's freed, then 2020 could be salvaged :nicki_scream:

Ugh, I love driving but do not miss having a car. I feel they provide so much general/financial stress. Good luck with the lockdown.

Yes, Biden and Britney freedom to save 2020. We're on the Edge of Glory and Gaga should be singing it online right now.

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Gaming Leader 8,440

Funny you decided to create this thread as this very moment ... 

• For the past 10 days, it's been quite challenging mentally and physically for me. Between dealing with a lot of work, traumas, health and money problems, it all gave me anxiety big-time and overall depression. I finally have my first meeting on the priority list (It's been months ...) on the 9th and I'm super excited to finally receive a full-on diagnostic of what's happening. 

• There was also this one guy who seemed very promising and we really were on the same wave. We hated random hookups, and were very compatible. He's been ghosting me for the THIRD time yesterday after, once again, asking me out. I've gave him chances, but I'm just bitter now. 

• Today, I've skip work since I got COVID-scared. I tested two weeks ago, and it was negative. I have yet to receive my results for my second test, and the symptoms are worst than the first time. 

I hope we all get better very soon, and that the result of this election will hopefully be the REAL start of a fresh new decade, after all the bad that we all experienced.

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Popster to Popster 3,889

I appreciate you for asking :classic_love:

I'm ok. The dread is slowly subsiding as we see Biden likely to win. I don't know what I would of done if this was a landslide for Trump. I do not want to be in a place where Trump is president for another 4 years.

I just started a new job yesterday and it went great but I'm still very very anxious. I'm still a bit shocked because the job I've had for almost 3 years found out I was about to put in my two week notice (the same company! same job! just a different location)  and told me I was immediately done. I was not fired, as I had put in my notice, but I was not allowed to stay for my "two week notice" and I'm absolutely crushed. I grew very close to the 170 agents (I work in real estate) I was working with and many are upset I didn't say goodbye, but do not know the full story. These people felt like my family for almost 2.5 years and I was told to leave without even getting a chance to say bye.

The new job itself feels AMAZING compared to my last. I don't have terrible management, I'm appreciated (for now lmao) and feel comfortable. I also already know 80% of the job as I've been doing it for 2.5 years just in another location, so it's not a full "new job" experience, but...ah. 


I hope everyone is coping and doing ok. I wish you all nothing but the best. 

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The Fame Popster 485

Today's the day of my spinal surgery, so I feel anxious but excited to possibly win my hand and leg back from the tumor in my neck. I suppose I can give an update tonight (EST) after I wake up.

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yesterday i spent all day refreshing the polls, im so nervous. i still check every hour or so.

im gonna study for a term test i have tomorrow now, its on translated ancient language. tomorrow is my last day of school in person. lockdown 2.0 officially starts in the entire country this saturday, and all secondary education is going online. elementaries will still work as usual, though. that's strange, they claim young children can't carry as much of the virus. not sure how that works. im lowkey really excited for lockdown, but some of my friends made me feel guilty of my excitement and i got kinda sad. at least ill get to relax more, i wont get the rona and ill get to finally get around to start writing my second record<3 i cant wait, the march lockdown was the best time i had probably in my entire life.

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Popstanne 5,076
2 hours ago, calmar said:

Today's the day of my spinal surgery, so I feel anxious but excited to possibly win my hand and leg back from the tumor in my neck. I suppose I can give an update tonight (EST) after I wake up.

Sending you good thoughts and healing vibes. Please update us when you're able to do so! You've got this!

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Community Leader 2,817

It's a weird question to ask this year, isn't it? Personally, this year has been a wonderful year. So much emotional growth for myself and the people around me, but socially it's been horrible because of politics, the pandemic, etc. I'm doing okay, I guess. Not too great, not too bad, so I can't really complain. I have an okay job with okay benefits so I can't complain, especially during a pandemic!

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Kindness Admin 7,949
10 hours ago, Joannesrats said:

It's a weird question to ask this year, isn't it? Personally, this year has been a wonderful year. So much emotional growth for myself and the people around me, but socially it's been horrible because of politics, the pandemic, etc. I'm doing okay, I guess. Not too great, not too bad, so I can't really complain. I have an okay job with okay benefits so I can't complain, especially during a pandemic!

I've had lots of highs too! It's always a mix for sure.

9 hours ago, not a french fry said:

Edit: wait sorry I didn’t see the serious tag:katy_pie:

In all seriousness, I’m not doing very well:uhh:

Aww, I'm sorry. I can't wait for 2021 (and for Biden to officially win).

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