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Feedback on future mods/roles


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Kindness Admin 7,949

Hey all,

Gearing up apps to onboard some mods / community folk. But first, would love to hear people's opinions on what they would find ideal.

Some considerations: 

  • Would you prefer mods that are exclusive to sections (aka Gaga, Entertainment, Community) or even some for specific forums (Charts for example).
  • What do you consider the most valuable job for a mod or community representative?
  • Would you like to have a vote and/or nominate mods?
  • What would you like to see in this community that has been lacking elsewhere?
  • Anything else.
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I think voting for mods would be so cool! This way, you're picking out members who others want to be mods, after they've applied, of course. There won't be any petty "that moderator is terrible" comments, since the community themselves voted for moderation.

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Popster to Popster 4,584

I'm always leery of voting for mods.  The most popular members do not always make good mods and vice versa.  Not necessarily hugely opposed but if it is voted I think it should be a secret vote or something; I've seen things go south real fast when public voting is involved and people feel cheated out of a position or take it personally when they aren't chosen.  It's one thing for a current mod to make a decision about you privately, it's another if the forum seems to be personally judging you.

I love the idea of section mods

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Moderator 9,578

I would suggest to make sure you cover the world. And then I mean to have someone from Australia/Asia, Europe and America era. That no matter what time it is, a team member is online. 

Further I'd go for experience. Understand that being a mod isnt just a title. Be able to do your mod actions even when it happens to be a friend you're warning. 

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Moderator 9,578
1 minute ago, NotDoctor said:

I'm always leery of voting for mods.  The most popular members do not always make good mods and vice versa.  Not necessarily hugely opposed but if it is voted I think it should be a secret vote or something; I've seen things go south real fast when public voting is involved and people feel cheated out of a position or take it personally when they aren't chosen.  It's one thing for a current mod to make a decision about you privately, it's another if the forum seems to be personally judging you.

I love the idea of section mods

Section Mods would be unnesecary if you have good experienced global mods that are active every single day. 

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Moderator 9,578
11 minutes ago, gagaschickens said:

I think voting for mods would be so cool! This way, you're picking out members who others want to be mods, after they've applied, of course. There won't be any petty "that moderator is terrible" comments, since the community themselves voted for moderation.

I would be here when voting wont be a popularity game. So I'd say voting happens privately. 

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Moderator 9,578
Just now, BadGurlMadge said:

The last quote you wrote was the most difficult thing when I was a mod on LGN....

Yup! Trust me I've seen so many situations. I was a mod on Church of pop. We had a rule to place content in the right sections. Wasnt an important one. Mods wouldnt warn for this, unless people keep on doing it. Like it would start with a 0WP asking to place the threads in the sections they belonged. But this user refused to listen and ended up getting banned for not following a small rule they were asked to follow politely in the first place (WPs getting more and more, they still refused to listen) 

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ARTPOPster 2,450

Voting could be good if it was narrowed down first. On the last ggd mod application thread a lot of people were saying who they thought would make good mods and the names of some popular but problematic people kept coming up, so having it be purely a popularity contest would backfire 

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The Fame Popster 451
1 hour ago, admin said:

Would you prefer mods that are exclusive to sections (aka Gaga, Entertainment, Community) or even some for specific forums (Charts for example).

I think this is a fantastic idea, however I think they should still have access to moderating the whole forum for emergencies. Make it a soft rule.

1 hour ago, admin said:

What do you consider the most valuable job for a mod or community representative?

Well I think the important part of the job is in the name. They should moderate the discussion, make sure that it's constructive, on topic, and non-abusive.

1 hour ago, admin said:

Would you like to have a vote and/or nominate mods?

I think that the decision should go to you and later when there's a team, your whole team. Nominations are a popularity contest and what makes people popular can be the opposite of what is needed to do a good job. I think that any community role that isn't a moderator being voted on is a good idea though.

1 hour ago, admin said:

What would you like to see in this community that has been lacking elsewhere?

Transparency with those of us who aren't participating in the moderation of the website. Transparency about what and how you do. If a post was warned, mark it as such and for why. If a new mod is chosen through a method other than public voting, let us know who picked and why, etc.



Edited by Nino
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Community Leader 1,294
1 hour ago, DonatellaPop said:

Nominations would be so interesting tbh

  Hide contents

Speaking of nominations, I think it would be cool to see @kaelergrey be a mod, he's an absolute sweetheart but also incredibly mature! He'll do good

Awww. Thats super sweet. :gaga-thanks:

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I don't particularly like the idea of voting, it almost turns it into a popularity contest and that isn't what we need. You should probably sift through applications and choose them yourself imo. 

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Community Leader 2,817

Avoid nominations and voting for being the only way of becoming a mod. That is a popularity contest and won’t be the best way to handle it. They should be application based. Right now, I think that we should have a few “global” mods and then mods for each subsection/community area. I would love to be a mod and I’m afraid that I’m not popular enough to be up high on a nomination or voting system just because I’m not the most active poster. I’m an avid reader and lurker, but I don’t post on everything. That shouldn’t be in the way of someone becoming a mod. 

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Pop visitors
1 hour ago, Nino said:

Transparency with those of us who aren't participating in the moderation of the website. Transparency about what and how you do. If a post was warned, mark it as such and for why. If a new mod is chosen through a method other than public voting, let us know who picked and why, etc.



I like this. Something that shows us that something was done about a particular incident will go a long ways. 

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Popster This Way 821
2 hours ago, Twitter said:


  • All moderators should be able to access and moderate all sections. If one section is left unattended or suppose to be moderated but that specific mod isn’t available, it would be easier for any mod to access the section and quickly make changes or assist others.
  • I know what it’s like to be a mod and community member. Both positions are essential to the forum and helps it succeed.
  • A moderator should be an active, strong, sensible, professional, and fair member on the forum. It is their role to manage threads (pin, feature, lock, hide comments, etc.). Probably never happen here but ... correct users for inappropriate behavior and give warnings/bans when it is neccessary. Even if some users are their friends. Assist and help the administrator on new rules, guidelines, emote competitions, and much more.
  • Community Committee/Creative Team should be an active, kind, welcoming, and fun member of the forum. It’s their role to bring creative ideas, games, and updates to the forum. They should (just like mods) should have the ability to center align text, color text, and work closely with the mod team with projects. Maybe they can also have the option to pin threads in the games and megarates section to announce fun projects on the forum. They should also report inappropriate content or things that are against forum guidelines to help mods more.
  • Since you currently do not have moderators I would suggest users submit their applications and cast a vote amongst the forum. Once moderators are hired then mods can post applications, give their inputs on who is a good fit, but still cast a vote amongst the forum.
  • Admin, Mods, and Community members should have some sort of distinction indicating that they are not an average user whether it’s a badge, color name text, or both.
  • Pop A 911 is doing a great job as a new pop forum. My suggestion would be to display a “who’s online” list at the bottom of the site. Maybe include a dark mode feature. Rename some sections and organize sections/categories to make it more appealing to new members. 
  • Due to the current amount of members here, I would suggest hiring 2 moderators and 2 community members for now. 
  • I’m against this ... but if you want to follow the life of GGD and some other forums, you can do a mod hiearchy. Which is why some users here are saying bronze, silver, and gold mod. Each level has the ability to do certain tasks. Golds are the strongest and bronze are for newer mods that are limited to certain task like not giving wps and bans without permission and going through a probation period. I rather moderators have one level but its your call, 

This this this. 

Sorry. I'm in the gym and was gonna stop and type it all out, but Twitter beat me to it. 

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Deactivated 14,311
3 hours ago, BadGurlMadge said:

hmmmmmmmmm wait

  • yes, i would call those community committees though.
  • to keep the site under control. personal attacks are never okay and i would like those to get fixed as fast as possible.
  • well i would love a signup more, but @Anveeroy and @Twitter would be amazing as i wrote and i would be happy as a bronze moderator-ish if possible🤭
  • more freedom of speech that isn’t overrated duh:shakes:
  • i think we should have around 4 moderators and 2 community committees to begin with:)

I agree with this I was about to type majority of this tbh.

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Deactivated 14,311
2 hours ago, Twitter said:


  • All moderators should be able to access and moderate all sections. If one section is left unattended or suppose to be moderated but that specific mod isn’t available, it would be easier for any mod to access the section and quickly make changes or assist others.
  • I know what it’s like to be a mod and community member. Both positions are essential to the forum and helps it succeed.
  • A moderator should be an active, strong, sensible, professional, and fair member on the forum. It is their role to manage threads (pin, feature, lock, hide comments, etc.). Probably never happen here but ... correct users for inappropriate behavior and give warnings/bans when it is neccessary. Even if some users are their friends. Assist and help the administrator on new rules, guidelines, emote competitions, and much more.
  • Community Committee/Creative Team should be an active, kind, welcoming, and fun member of the forum. It’s their role to bring creative ideas, games, and updates to the forum. They should (just like mods) should have the ability to center align text, color text, and work closely with the mod team with projects. Maybe they can also have the option to pin threads in the games and megarates section to announce fun projects on the forum. They should also report inappropriate content or things that are against forum guidelines to help mods more.
  • Since you currently do not have moderators I would suggest users submit their applications and cast a vote amongst the forum. Once moderators are hired then mods can post applications, give their inputs on who is a good fit, but still cast a vote amongst the forum.
  • Admin, Mods, and Community members should have some sort of distinction indicating that they are not an average user whether it’s a badge, color name text, or both.
  • Pop A 911 is doing a great job as a new pop forum. My suggestion would be to display a “who’s online” list at the bottom of the site. Maybe include a dark mode feature. Rename some sections and organize sections/categories to make it more appealing to new members. 
  • Due to the current amount of members here, I would suggest hiring 2 moderators and 2 community members for now. 
  • I’m against this ... but if you want to follow the life of GGD and some other forums, you can do a mod hiearchy. Which is why some users here are saying bronze, silver, and gold mod. Each level has the ability to do certain tasks. Golds are the strongest and bronze are for newer mods that are limited to certain task like not giving wps and bans without permission and going through a probation period. I rather moderators have one level but its your call, 

This too!

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Popstanne 5,076

Perhaps vote on community committee members, but let @admin initially choose mods. Once we have a couple of mods, they can choose more as a team. A couple of reasons why users voting for mods is an ill-advised idea: aside from popular users not necessarily making the best mods, I'm not sure it's good for the community to know who has applied for the job of mod. It can lead to people saying that person X should've been mod over user Y. 

I think it would be awesome if this forum can be more transparent about moderation. 

I also think it's probably a good idea to try and pick mods from a range of timezones/backgrounds. By background, I mean not only place of residence, but also race/gender/sex/sexual orientation. 

I don't think you need a mod hierarchy at this time. Maybe later it's useful to have one, if only so more senior mods can "train" junior mods. 

(Disclaimer: I have no interest in being a mod or community committee member because Franch ain't got time, so I am saying this out of the interest of this site, not my personal interest :kiss:

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