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Pop a 911🚨: Introduce Yourselves


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Hey popa911'ster! It's the one and only (literally xoxo) Xtina stan from GGD: Davian:sistrens:
Xtina stans on popa911: 1 (+1)

I don't know yet how active I'll be but I thought making an account was at least worth it, considering how many familiar faces are here now too hihi. So: hey!:classic_happy:

Free oreos for everyone as welcome gift! :yaasreact: 



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2 minutes ago, Doot said:

My genuine question is did you leave GagaDaily, or were you instructed to come here to try and mend bridges and get people to come back since droves of members are leaving your forum and transitioning here?

I never received a PM from you on here over the last two days apologizing for what was done on GGD. Because mods there stood by and blatantly lied to users both publicly and via PM (which all were screenshot and shared with us, which contained more lies). I am willing you give you the benefit of the doubt, but considering a member was banned on GG for even mentioning PopA911, and admin implemented a text change so if you type PopA911 it autocorrects to GagaDaily. 

Odd that they'd allow you to come here but ban others from even mentioning this forum.

This forum is very visible.  

I wanted to apologize to you, but I felt so ashamed over what happened.  I didn't know what to say.  I didn't come over here on orders or doing what you think, but I can't talk about moderation either.  I'm so sorry about that PM... I wish I did a better job to mediate... I thought we were making progress for a time, but I messed it up and it will haunt me.

This is awkward and I understand if you're upset with me after what happened.  


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The Popster 24

Hello people :romance: 

So since a lot of people are not over on the other site anymore I thought I‘d make an account here too and see what everyone is up to. Cool to see some names like Ryan Ripley here who left a long time ago. 

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2 hours ago, Morphine Prince said:

Hi everyone!

I'm sure most of you know me from GGD.

I'm 25, live in Texas, USA. 

Made an account to maybe keep in touch with some of the people who were banned from the other forum. 

Glad to see many of you here :classic_biggrin:

The king of politics has arrived! :oscar:

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4 hours ago, Franz Ferdinand said:

Oh I guess we all doing introductions. My name is Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, and my death led to the start of World War 1. I like horse-riding and the aristocracy. I dislike Serbia and the Black Hand.

jack black smile GIF

Jk, my name is Esteban, I'm originally from Peru but now live in NYC, I'm a nerdy scientist and I will get political so be warned. :oops:

We stan non binary people in this house :gaga-thanks:

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Gaming Leader 1,283
3 hours ago, lego said:

Hello everyone:classic_love:

so nice to see familiar names, so many people who were unjustly banned. Hope this forum will become what the other one wished. I was thinking the solution would be for someone to buy the other one, but actually when all the good members leave and come here, for example, the other one will die out. It’s so boring already, you can tell members are afraid to make any threads because they’re locked and deleted in matter of seconds and users warned or banned. 


2 hours ago, Morphine Prince said:

Hi everyone!

I'm sure most of you know me from GGD.

I'm 25, live in Texas, USA. 

Made an account to maybe keep in touch with some of the people who were banned from the other forum. 

Glad to see many of you here :classic_biggrin:

Hey guys, i'm glad to see you both here. I enjoy your presence :classic_happy:

Edited by KatieJudasGaga4
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29 minutes ago, Shadow said:

I think I warned him for something disrespectful that caused him to get banned.  The only reason I changed his name is because he had changed it to slander me.  I know it wasn't mature, but I deal with rude people everyday and sometimes it gets me angry.  It wasn't professional and I'm sorry I changed his name to a "rat" related thing.  I try to remain calm and professional with everyone, but I'm not perfect and sometimes I slip.  I'll try to do better in the future, but I can't change the past...

I appreciate your response. I know you are honest and that your intentions are good, but being honest with you, those "sometimes I slip" by the whole mod team is what brought us to this. I dont expect you guys to be perfect but I do expect you to be fair and mature. And changing his name to rat, reminds me of Gpuss saying that twitter and doot where rude to her, but not a single bit of evidence was shown to prove her claims. So if the slightest discomfort, is going to make her react like that, she is not fit for the role.

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1 hour ago, little legend said:

Hey eveyone! I am 24 years old (well in 4 days) and  i am little legend from Gagadaily.  Im so happy that i discovered this place. Hope this site will attract new and new members and that the Fascist Daily will rot in trash as its deserves. 

I want to share my GGD story the day i was banned.

I was banned there in June like everyone else. I said in a post that Gaga doesnt promote the album and they gave me 2 wp and they also gave 2 wps cause i said that Katy Pery is a flop nowadays( isnt it true?) then cause i made a public comment that my wps were unfair they banned me , cause its illigal to talk in public about this. Wow the fascism in that place. Also they gave me 2 wps cause i used *a wrong* reaction to a post  :rip: . 

So for 3 months i was banned and couldnt write there but i could react . I wanted to protest cause i thought that my ban was unfair , so i changed my name there to *Admim,Shadow, Jase are rats* , Jase and Shadow are mods there and is as rat as the Admin. So cause i wanted everyone to see my new nickname, i was keep reacting to all the posts there. Shadow saw my new name and he changed my nickname to Willard and also change my description in MINE PROFILE and wrote: 

The rat by Emily Dickinson

The rat is the concisest tenant

He pays no rent

Repudiates the obligation

On schemes intent


Balking  our wit

To sound os circumvent 

Hate cannot harm

A foe so reticent


Neither decree

Prohibits him

Lawful as 



then i changed my description to something like Shadow is piece of **** , Shadow will not prevail, Shadow is a rat Shadow is a rat rat , we are far from the Shadow now (or ssoemthing like this) and then i didnt want to continue to give this fascists more attention.


I find it insane how Shadow is allowed here. He was here a few years ago when something similar took place on GagaDaily forums. To sum up, Kirill was being corrupt and the previous generation of Little Monsters made a forum called OperationGaga. Shadows joined only to spy on the forum and give away details to Kirill. He's here, yet again, to spy on this very forum and feed it to the mods over at GGD. This man has been fighting for a spot on the GagaDaily Mod Team since 2009 and he will not give it up. To let this man infiltrate this forum is naïve and appalling. 

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