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Slasher - Spooktober Edition

Dean Judaster

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Popster for Sale 41,929
On 10/13/2021 at 2:28 PM, Dean of Clownmatica said:

You turned down my invitation to play, I am devastated :bradley:

I don't think I can commit to any games in general :bradley:

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It was a nice Autumn afternoon. Everybody was fleeing the noise and chaos of the city. The busy clerks from desk jobs, the sales people, the skilled laborers were all rushing to seek comfort in their home town, or to enjoy some retreat into the countryside and the nearby small towns. Babylon was such a small town. Although it's less the destination but more the gateway to a more popular lakeside attraction a few miles further. Still, Babylon had all the pit stop essentials--a good reliable gas station, some diners for motorists that couldn't stave off their hunger. It was a quaint little backroad community with rustic houses and family-owned businesses. It is also where many people disappear annually.

@chailatte pulled up his car to the gas station. There was an unusually long queue. Up ahead was @Sir.Sim, who was waiting behind a very bored @Dirkje. @kaelergrey was trying to fill his car with gas but somehow the pump seemed empty. A frustrated @admin stepped out of the gas station and shook his head. "There's nobody here."

@little legend pulled up to a stop behind the queue. Behind him @danwasd followed and idled his engine. @Franch Toast paused ARTPOP on her phone and walked up to the station. "My car broke down a mile back, can somebody help?"

"There's nobody here," admin repeated.

There was a chill in the air as clouds rolled in, ushering nighttime faster.

@Nightwing just rolled in to town and stepped out to find out what the commotion was. As he did so, @Clever Username drove by and followed suit.

"Everyone here has car trouble?" Little Legend asked.

There was a hushed nodding and agreement among the crowd.

"Are we stuck here?" kaelergrey asked.

"I hope not!" danwasd said as he zipped up his hoodie in an effort to shield himself from the growing chill.

"My phone just died, what the hell?" Nightwing shouted.

"Mine's fine but I got no reception," chailatte said.

"What's that?" Franch toast asked, pointing up at what seemed like a dark cloud.

"Cloud, maybe?" Clever username suggested. "It is getting dark."

"It's growing..." sir sim said. "And looks like it's coming our way!"

Ghastly voices muttered incomprehensible words that reverberated across the town.

"What's going on?" admin asked.

The disembodied voices grew louder and the dark cloud revealed itself to be a swarm of giant bats with large teeth. The winged menaces have already started breaking windows and entering cars. Everybody scrambled away from the bats and rushed into the gas station. Everybody combined their strength to barricade the doors and windows, and after what seemed like hours of unholy screeching and flapping noises, everything went quiet.

"Is it over?" dirkje asked.

Lights went out everyone screamed. Chailatte opened his phone's light and in the dim glow, three floating knives were glimpsed by the group. In panic, chailatte dropped the phone and everybody ran and tumbled in the dark. Where the knives went, nobody was sure. But once everybody shouted to declare they are fine, the lights went back on and the knives were lying still on the floor.

Casualty: NONE

Everybody survives into day time.

Civilians will now vote privately who to eliminate.

Edited by Dean of Clownmatica
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On 10/14/2021 at 11:55 AM, Clever Username said:

Not me guessing cloud. Not me becoming the weather reporter of the town mean girls GIF

Is there a chance of Rain on Me resurrection from Tiktok? Stay tuned

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Kindness Admin 7,543
On 10/13/2021 at 4:35 AM, danwasd said:

lmao I had 102% of my storage full, try now pls :dead:

I've increased your message capacity, you poor little thing.

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"What the hell was that?" @chailatte cried as he scrambled away from the knives.

"What's going on in this place?" @kaelergrey 's voice broke as he fought off tears.

"I think this place is evil. Did everyone hear that weird chanting sounds?" @admin asked.

"Let's look around and try to call for help!" @Nightwing suggested.

"Sh-should we go in groups?" @little legend asked.

"I think that's a good idea so we can keep each other safe," @Dirkje said while wiping tears away.

"Okay let's split up into pairs," @Clever Username suggested. "Grab the closest one and scream if you need help."

"I have bad feelings about this town when I drove by. I just wanted to go to the lake!" @Franch Toast said.

"At least it's day now so we should see some people. I don't think bats will come out during the day," @Sir.Sim said, tiptoeing away from the knives.

"Why were those knives floating anyway?" @danwasd asked, also trying to steer clear from the knives. "I hope they didn't come from among us."

The group paired up and fanned out of the gas station. The town was weirdly quiet yet everyone seemed certain the town was alive when they passed by. It was as if everyone suddenly vanished. The sun was hidden by a blanket of clouds, washing the town with bleak gray. It was far from the haunting darkness of last night, but still far from a welcoming atmosphere.

Everybody noticed the cars were all ruined--tires flat, windshields broken, and strange symbols carved on the doors. Even the roads and the walls were riddled with cryptic and curious sigils. As the pairs cautiously sought for help, there was a shriek from south of the town.

Everybody rushed to the source of commotion. A body was lying face down on the road. A hatchet was stuck on its back. Dark crimson began to pool around the body.

There was overlapping questions from the group.

"Who is that?" @kaelergrey asked.

"Is it one of the villagers?" @Clever Username whispered.

"Somebody flip the body around. Maybe we can still save them," @little legend suggested.

"Can we do a headcount?" @chailatte suggested.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.

"There were 10 of us," @admin said.

@Franch Toast crept closer and flipped the body to its side.

The glassy eyes of @Dirkje stared lifelessly back. Blood was trailing the corner of the mouth, which was frozen in a shocked state. Dirkje's clothes and hair were disheveled, suggesting a struggle.

Somewhere from the group, tears and cries erupted.

Casualty: @Dirkje:rip:

:rip:role: Seer :rip:


Night 2 is starting shortly!

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"How could this happen?" @Franch Toast asked.

"Yeah, who paired with her?" @danwasd asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"I'll be honest, since coming here I don't remember much of anything," @little legend said.

"Me too," @chailatte agreed.

@admin was quietly nodding his head. "I can't even tell who I partnered with."

"I want to say it wasn't me, but I don't remember who I went with," @kaelergrey said. "I just remember feeling creeped out all the time."

"The symbols all around town was scary," @Sir.Sim added. "And I don't know if you noticed but the posters and photos also contained people that look weird."

"The precinct was empty and the photos of the officers show them with blank stares and creepy smiles," @Nightwing muttered, slightly shaking.

"Guys?" @Clever Username called the attention of the group. "Why is it dark again?"

Everyone looked up at the sky. Deep blue velvet studded with weakly shining stars painted the heavens.

"That's impossible--it was just daybreak before we split up!" Little legend exclaimed as he backed up slowly against the wall of a nearby building.

"We should find cover," chailatte suggested.

"But where?" kaelergrey asked.

Before the group could decide, the sinister voices began their chant again. Except this time, the words were clearer.

"And when the one touched by an angel has fallen, so too shall the others be consumed by the darkness and the flames of hell!!"

Everybody screamed as dark suffocating smoke descended from the skies.


"Your soul shall suffer!"

The group screamed at the top of their lungs but the demonic smoke was more deafeaning.

And then, there was laughter. A deep voice, as if coming from the depths of the earth.


And the black smoke began to break and glimpses of grotesque limbs with daggers for claws were seen by the group. Glowing yellow eyes bigger than an adult man blinked in and out. For a while the sinister voices and the deep voice overlapped until there was a shrill cry that tore through the town.

The smoke cleared rapidly, and the monstrous form of the ancient being shrank into the lifeless body of @little legend covered by multiple pierced scratch markes. Yet all those seemed paltry and superficial, for it was a stake made of willow dipped in lamb's blood that sealed the fate of the ancient being.

Casualty: @little legend :rip:

:rip: Role: Ancient god/dess :rip:


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