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  • MANiCURE1295 changed the title to All Things 🇺🇸 Politics: Virginia Gubernatorial Race NEXT WEEK
Pop-a-911-ster 39,587

President Biden campaigned with Democrat Virginia Gubernatorial candidate, Terry McAuliffe, today! Race is NEXT WEEK!

Praying Democrats hold onto the seat

Happy Tears GIF


Biden was also in NJ yesterday as they also have a Gubernatorial election next week


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  • MANiCURE1295 changed the title to All Things 🇺🇸 Politics: Virginia & New Jersey Gubernatorial Elections NEXT WEEK
Pop-a-911-ster 39,587

IN: Medicare hearing, affordable child care, affordable housing, universal pre-K, affordable elder care, 550B towards clean energy incentives, extension of the child tax credit that is on track to take 50% of American children out of poverty, expanded ACA/Obamacare credits to make it more affordable for millions of Americans in addition to making those tax credits available to the people in the uncovered states who didn’t accept the ACA Medicare expansion  (closing the Medicaid gap and getting 4M+ Americans affordable health care)

OUT: paid leave, Medicare dental and vision, Rx drug pricing & tuition free community college

Thoughts? It’s definitely not everything but there are A LOT of great things in the bill. Combined with the 1.9T ARP and the 1.2T BIF this would be an incredible first year for Biden, especially getting these bios through a basically 50/50 Congress.

Interested in your guys thoughts. My main take away? If passed, it would be the largest legislative investment in combatting climate change. And the biggest investment in affordable healthcare in the last decade.

oh and f- Manchin and Sinema and other moderates for slashing the bill. 

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,587
On 10/28/2021 at 9:29 AM, Paul Atreides said:

“OUT: paid leave, Medicaid expansion, Medicare dental and vision and Rx drug pricing” this is a HUGE part that’s being taken out. Wow I can’t we’ll continue being like one 8 countries in the world without paid leave. And people wonder why birth rates are in decline…

But yeah overall it’s a great bill and should be passed without any further delay!

Yeah my bad Medicaid expansion is in, Paid leave, Medicare dental and vision and RX pricing is out….paid leave being out is REALLY disappointing. Patty Murray said it best when “one man is gonna take away what millions of woman need”

People don’t realize how important PFL is for new mothers and people who need to care for family…apparently they tried to get a deal to allow PFL for new mothers specifically and he didn’t even want that…”expansion of social programs blah blah blah”…does he know even NORTH KOREA HAS PFL!?!?!?! It’s really sad.

I am really happy to see the climate investments though. Like, really happy.

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On 10/28/2021 at 12:18 PM, Paul Atreides said:

Not them roleplaying :mess:

Push them both into a volcano 


anyway, is there info on how much of the stuff in the bill is permanent and how much would need to be reupped in a few years?

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,587
On 10/28/2021 at 12:18 PM, Paul Atreides said:

Not them roleplaying :mess:

My boyfriend said that the whole idea is that the woman Sinema is supposed to be plays the role of basically being an inside agent and takes her own team down…literally our reality :nicki_scream:

I hate them 

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,587
On 10/28/2021 at 12:55 PM, NotDoctor said:

Push them both into a volcano 


anyway, is there info on how much of the stuff in the bill is permanent and how much would need to be reupped in a few years?

Universal Pre K for 6 years

Childcare funded for 6 years

ACA/Medicaid expansion through 2025

One year extension of the EITC

one year extension of the Expanded CTC

per Jamie Harrison 

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  • MANiCURE1295 changed the title to All Things 🇺🇸 Politics: 1.75T$$ “Build Back Better Act” Framework Released!!!!
Pop-a-911-ster 39,587
On 10/31/2021 at 12:36 PM, Paul Atreides said:

Absolutely ridiculous.

Americans are f-ing dumb to think Republicans are better at those issues.

I have no idea what this f-ing myth is that the GOP is better with the economy, Biden has literally added almost 5M jobs thanks to prioritizing vaccines and putting MAX EFFORTS into opening the economy back up thanks to the ARP.

Not only that but he’s already deceased the deficit. Trump put our f-ing economy in the trash. Obama saved the economy at the time after Bush almost completely destroyed it (granted the stimulus was not big enough which we all know know) and ICYMI Under Clinton we had the largest economic expansion in American history, he added over 20M jobs and the highest home ownership in US history.

im so sick of this MYTH that the GOP is at all good with the economy, literally almost every single time a Democrat comes into office they’re picking up the pieces of an economy in shambles thanks to GOP policies.

People are so f-ing dumb. The Democrats could literally pass every single progressive policy and they would still lose cause “economy”

Dont even get me started on the fact that we have supply chain issues BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE BUYING SO MUCH sh!t AND WE OUR ECONOMY IS COMING BACK BUT YET NO GOP MEMBER WANTS TO MENTION THAT.  



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Pop-a-911-ster 39,587
On 11/2/2021 at 8:38 PM, Paul Atreides said:

Literally the first thing I see on Twitter :katy:

Absolutely unbelievable that this happened. A Republican winning in safe blue Virginia??? Yeah midterms are gonna be DISASTROUS

Call me crazy (no, really please call me crazy so I stop thinking this) that we might be in a better place come 2022. Congress might have actually passed something by then lol…and maybe in a better place COVID/Economy wise..

im so sick of Republican candidates running  on bullshit culture war issues and winning. It goes back to our conversation a couple of days ago, it just sucks.

UGH. I’m sad now.

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,587

GREAT JOB NUMBERS!!!!!! Great revisions to September and August, combined with revisions you’re looking at over 750K more jobs :arguega:

Over 5.6M jobs added and under 5% unemployment 


Biden’s Economy:

-In the fastest economic recovery in US history, unemployment has fallen to 4.6% – two years earlier than predicted before Biden’s American Rescue Plan

-The economy created 531K jobs in October 

-Over 5M jobs have been created since Biden took office

-New unemployment claims are down over 60% since January & are at their lowest since the pandemic started

-Unemployment has decreased more this year than any other year in history

-This month, workers saw one of the largest increases in average wages on record

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,587

—$40b bridges
—$11b safety
—$39b transit
—$66b Amtrak/rail
—$7.5b e-vehicle chargers
—$5b clean buses
—$17b ports
—$25b airports
—$50b water resilience
—$55b drinking water
—$65b broadband
—$21b enviro remediation
—$73b power/clean energy

And this looks like the core of the surface transportation piece, per White House: "The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will invest $110 billion of new funds for roads, bridges, and major projects, and reauthorize the surface transportation program for the next five years."


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  • MANiCURE1295 changed the title to All Things 🇺🇸 Politics: House of Reps pass 1.2T$ Infrastructure & Jobs Act

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