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All Things 🇺🇸 Politics: SCOTUS Officially Overturns Roe Vs Wade - Abortion Now Illegal


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Popster to Popster 4,584

These SCOTUS decisions today are so demoralizing. It’s pretty clear that all this squabbling about the For The People Act and the John Lewis Act are for naught, they’d just get gutted by SCOTUS anyway. I really don’t know where things go from here because it’s clear that SCOTUS reform won’t happen either.

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Popster to Popster 4,420
On 7/1/2021 at 6:12 PM, MANiCURE1295 said:

Charles Booker announces run for US Senate in Kentucky in 2022 against Rand Paul (R)


why is he doing this :dead:

this'll be such a disaster:mess:


he's gonna waste SOOOOOO much money, I guess we'll see if people learned from the McGrath debacle


Edited by WildAmerican
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Pop-a-911-ster 39,542

This is good news considering it was estimated to only be about 700K….:oscar:

Trump was averaging about 60K jobs per month for his last three months. Biden’s actions on the American Rescue Plan and vaccines are directly responsible for one of the great economic turnarounds in our history. PERIOD.

.“ The U.S. economy gained 850,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate rose to 5.9 percent from 5.8 percent, a sign that the recovery of the world’s largest economy is building momentum after downside misses in April and May.

Economists had expected gains of roughly 700,000 jobs and a drop of between 1 and 2 percent in the unemployment rate as Americans have increased activities like air travel, staying at hotels, eating in restaurants and visiting movie theaters. “

Edited by MANiCURE1295
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Popster for Sale 41,942
On 7/2/2021 at 2:51 PM, Nightwing said:

Does anyone know how close Biden came to his vaccination target? I think he said he wanted/expected 70% of the population fully vaccinated by the 4th of July or something?

70% of adults with at least one shot. 65% as of Monday. Estimated to be 67% on the 4th of July.

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,542
On 7/1/2021 at 10:26 AM, NotDoctor said:

These SCOTUS decisions today are so demoralizing. It’s pretty clear that all this squabbling about the For The People Act and the John Lewis Act are for naught, they’d just get gutted by SCOTUS anyway. I really don’t know where things go from here because it’s clear that SCOTUS reform won’t happen either.

I wanted to respond to this…I totally agree…sucks to see, also what this might impact even more than a possible Voting Rights bill in the future is what this could mean for the DOJ’s lawsuit against the state of Georgia….reading the interpretation isnt good…..

“The ruling clarified the limits of the Voting Rights Act and how courts may analyze claims of voting discrimination.

The "mere fact there is some disparity in impact does not necessarily mean that a system is not equally open or that it does not give everyone an equal opportunity to vote," Alito said.” :bradley:

article for those interested: really helped me understand and better grasp some of these SC decisions coming down this week on voting….


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Pop-a-911-ster 39,542


Paul Lepage (R) ex-Governor announced he is planning on rerunning for Governor in 2022 against incumbent Janet Mills (D) in the Maine 2022 Gubernatorial race.


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Pop-a-911-ster 39,542
On 7/5/2021 at 9:41 PM, Nightwing said:

Will be interesting to see the polling for this in a couple months. I don't know much about Maine politics but I'll be keeping a close eye on this one!

Disappointed Susan Collins GIF by GIPHY News

^^ me thinking about maine politics…..:laughga: We only have two districts, D1 southern maine where I live is very liberal which is why the state votes for democrat mostly on the national scale…D2 is northern maine and is very Trump loving (he got the ME-D2 electoral vote)

D1 representative Chellie Pingree is a democrat and D2 representative is also Democrat Jared Golden, he’s much more conservative given his district though, for example he was I think 1/2 house Dems to vote against the ARP.

Then you have Collins (shoot me :gunga:) and Angus King, who of course is a moderate independent who caucuses with the Dems…so really only D1’s Chellie Pingree tends to lean left

idk Sara Gideon was from RI and people from ME hate stuff like that “omgz an outsider coming into our state, how dare they” :mess:

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,542
On 7/6/2021 at 5:50 PM, Nightwing said:

This is what Washington insiders failed to consider :laughga:

Maine Gideon GIF by Election 2020

….my Sara GIF got me triggered brb gonna go cry for a minute:bradley: she visits my boyfriends local store all the time so we love Sara, she’s so sweet

edit: in direct response, yes unfortunately that is true, I think Schumer and the DNC were hoping the blowback by supporting Trump would be too much for Collins…I just don’t get it…the fact that she won drives me absolutely insane…i really hate that woman and 2026 can’t come soon enough so I can attempt to vote her a** out of office again 

Edited by MANiCURE1295
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Pop-a-911-ster 39,542
On 7/6/2021 at 6:28 PM, Nightwing said:

Awe that’s cool. She does seem like a lovely person.

I was shocked to see that she won by like 10 points :dead: like holy crap Dems seem to have been incredibly mistaken by how much Maine likes Susan Collins. Let’s hope they don’t make the same mistake again.

Also so many f-ing old people love Collins and Maine is one of, if not THE, oldest population in the US….:mess: My mom voted for Collins and she already regrets it in less than 6 months….

Younger people are leaning more and more liberal, Maine is starting to trend more liberal, in 2014 Collins won by 37% and in 2020 that fell to 8.6% and that was with a 3rd party taking like 5% of the vote…Maine is trending the right way it’s just so slow….Collins is the only statewide elected Republican left…and the only GOP Senator in New England.

Edited by MANiCURE1295
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  • MANiCURE1295 changed the title to All Things 🇺🇸Politics: Senate on July 4th Recess
Pop-a-911-ster 39,542

Update to OP Top 10 Senate Seats Most Likely to Flip in 2022:

1) Pennsylvania

2) Georgia

3) Wisconsin

4) Arizona (+1)

5) North Carolina (-1)

6) New Hampshire (+1)

7) Nevada (-1)

8) Florida (+1)

9) Ohio (-1)

10) Missouri


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Popster to Popster 4,584
On 7/6/2021 at 7:32 PM, MANiCURE1295 said:

Update to OP Top 10 Senate Seats Most Likely to Flip in 2022:

1) Pennsylvania

2) Georgia

3) Wisconsin

4) Arizona (+1)

5) North Carolina (-1)

6) New Hampshire (+1)

7) Nevada (-1)

8) Florida (+1)

9) Ohio (-1)

10) Missouri


I really hope PA doesn’t let me down this time 

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,542
On 7/6/2021 at 7:34 PM, NotDoctor said:

I really hope PA doesn’t let me down this time 

I love what I’ve seen and heard about regarding John Fetterman, I hope the he can win the Democrat primary this time around, are you from PA? I don’t know anything about PA politics….

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Popster to Popster 4,584
On 7/6/2021 at 7:37 PM, MANiCURE1295 said:

I love what I’ve seen and heard about regarding John Fetterman, I hope the he can win the Democrat primary this time around, are you from PA? I don’t know anything about PA politics….

I live in PA but I didn’t grow up here so honestly I know a lot more about the intuitive workings of upstate NY politics than I do about around here 😅

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,542
On 7/6/2021 at 7:41 PM, NotDoctor said:

I live in PA but I didn’t grow up here so honestly I know a lot more about the intuitive workings of upstate NY politics than I do about around here 😅

Well I’ll be looking to you in 2022 for insights on the Senate race now that I know you live there so get ready for that  :kiss: as of now I’m definitely rooting for  Fetterman! 


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