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All Things 🇺🇸 Politics: SCOTUS Officially Overturns Roe Vs Wade - Abortion Now Illegal


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Popster to Popster 4,584
1 hour ago, Delusional said:

What are everyones thoughts on AOC?


As someone who’s not American she seems like an incredible brave woman and I’d kill for someone like her in U.K. politics - because we need fresher (or younger..) faces here to be honest. Too many older people making decisions that don’t think about the younger generations enough. 

I think she's incredibly smart and has a good feel on the modern political landscape. She also knows how to communicate with younger generations and explain seemingly complicated concepts in very accessible ways.

I also think she's pretty savvy in that she understands when to put on public pressure and when to recede into the background; she seems to know that if she's not careful, she will dominate the discourse and not the policies she's aiming for 

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484

This is great news, the more Democrats can use reconciliation the merrier! Should give them much more flexibility in passing both parts of Infrastructure Plan (American Jobs Plan & American Families Plan) !!!! :oscar:

Also saw this update today:

# of Children being transported out of the CBP facilities is increasing, so Biden seems to be moving in the correct direction on these numbers, 30 day average was 491 and yesterday 754 kids were transferred out of CBP custody.

Also if I’m reading correctly seems like the # of unaccompanied minors being apprehended at the border has also been decreasing compared to the 30-day average.

Again, obviously no minors in custody would be the ideal situation, just wanted to point out this tweet I saw.

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Popster to Popster 4,420

whew the parliamentarian ruling is kind of a slay :zoom:

Hate that we have these archaic systems like a "parliamentarian" who decide basically policy that affects hundreds of millions of people, but this time it works

Go to battle with the soldiers you got right lol 

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484
1 minute ago, WildAmerican said:

whew the parliamentarian ruling is kind of a slay :zoom:

Hate that we have these archaic systems like a "parliamentarian" who decide basically policy that affects hundreds of millions of people, but this time it works

Go to battle with the soldiers you got right lol 

Imma need the draft to come back to enlist some new soldiers.....:icant: I got a couple of changes I wouldn’t mind making

..but yes I get your point and I do agree!

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Popster to Popster 4,420

The more I think about the Parliamentarian ruling, the more I realize it's a BFD, Biden's biggest impediment is now Joe Manchin on major pieces of legislation which is still annoying, but I'd rather deal with him than mitch 

Biden basically just got his ticket to an LBJ style presidency (at least in terms of Bills that can be passed)

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Popster This Way 567
On 3/4/2021 at 12:08 AM, blankpaper said:

The worst is the uber religious people who just have this nonstop narrative about how he’s a radical progressive communist who kills babies and wants all christians to die or something 

I wish ...

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Popster This Way 567
On 3/12/2021 at 1:29 PM, MANiCURE1295 said:

Omg that’s so true why have I never thought of that :rip: 

The GOP are literally idiots....

yeah transmen on testestoren are the sh!t ! Transwomen lose physical strengt while transmen gain ...But we don´t gain acne so thats a plus:D 

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484
On 4/3/2021 at 10:57 AM, Starboy said:

Terrible idea. We shouldn’t even have vaccine passports in the first place.


On 4/3/2021 at 11:40 AM, NotDoctor said:

The idea of just letting the private sector do this is so enraging.  Especially with tech companies' track record with user privacy 

update for y’all! :) 

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484

Arkansas becomes the first state to prohibit physicians from providing gender-affirming treatment for trans people under age 18.....

:bradley: so f-ed up and disgusting honestly


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Popster to Popster 4,420
12 minutes ago, Starboy said:

Sorry but this is NOT infrastructure 

like I kinda get what she's saying - if we broaden the definition of infrastructure and maybe if there's like a "care infrastructure", but this message is exactly what the GOP wants Dems to say bc they want to make it seem like the Infrastructure bill is a "liberal wishlist" and it contains things outside the normal definition of infrastructure.

Things like this make more sense:


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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484

Biden expected to announce a package of executive actions on gun control tomorrow, as I always do I will detail them once that information is released tomorrow!!

Really glad this is happening as I know the pressure has been on with the recent shootings for Biden to take action and rightfully so  :prideheart: 


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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484
5 hours ago, WildAmerican said:

like I kinda get what she's saying - if we broaden the definition of infrastructure and maybe if there's like a "care infrastructure", but this message is exactly what the GOP wants Dems to say bc they want to make it seem like the Infrastructure bill is a "liberal wishlist" and it contains things outside the normal definition of infrastructure.

Things like this make more sense:



5 hours ago, Starboy said:

Yeah I get what she’s going for but like at some point you have to draw the line. Republicans will say that regardless but it doesn’t help. Like yes some things should be considered infrastructure that we traditionally haven’t considered it to be but caregiving and paid leave? Really?

Definitely agree that broadband should be considered infrastructure!

just wanted to add my two cents to this discussion, granted while I agree that stuff like PFL and caregiving isn’t traditional infrastructure in the sense of the word. I do think it’s important and beneficial to all American’s for us to open up our view of what infrastructure is. I was listening to Biden’s speech on his plan today and this is some of what he said 

“We need to start seeing Infrastructure through the lens of how it affects the working people of America. What do they need to be successful, and what do they need to carve out their place in the middle class, to live, to work and to raise a family. That’s what infrastructure means in the 21st century.” 

And I really do think there is something to that, at some point, making America’s economy work isnt just making sure that we have good enough roads and highways to get to work. It’s also about being able to get the “most bang for your buck” for every single worker. And at some point that does come down to “care infrastructure” there IS A REASON why other countries do have universal PFL and FMLA programs, it’s because it’s healthy for your workers and allows you to get the most out of them while they are working. And I think for us to really be able to compete with other parts of the world we need to get past these archaic practices that people in the International Politics thread (shoutout @Starboy) talk about as being obvious practices that the US hasn’t utilized.

Also, at the end of the day, THESE TYPES OF POLICIES ARE POPULAR aspects of the plan as shown below. The only time I’ve seen any poll show them as not popular is when it’s presented as a “Biden Plan” to Republican voters. You can’t tell me Americans don’t support nationwide paid family leave or better caregiving support in place. And if Republicans are going to obstruct NO MATTER WHAT, and we know they are, you MIGHT AS WELL, try and put as many of your policy goals that you can fit in. PERIOD. If they’re gonna try to sell to the American people that fixing our lead pipes and fixing schools aren’t infrastructure who gives a flying f- what they say about PFL.

I subscribe to the “care economy” aspect because I’ve seen too many companies have shitty time off policies and they don’t get nearly as much out of their workforce as they could if they treated their employees better. And I think in order for the US and our economy to compete In the 21st century we need people being able to get to work safely, but also to feel mentally well when they are their that they have what they need in place to support their family so that they can work their a** off to help their company succeed.

Excuse my rambling but I just felt like I had a lot to say. 

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  • MANiCURE1295 changed the title to All Things 🇺🇸Politics: Biden to Announce Gun Control EOs
Popster to Popster 4,584
12 minutes ago, Starboy said:

I still don’t particularly view that as part of infrastructure, though I do see the argument there. And Biden is probably thinking the exact same thing in that he wants to broaden what we perceive as infrastructure in order to pass more of his policy initiatives. Yes, I do think we need paid leave and all those other things but they don’t belong in an infrastructure bill. Those kinds of things need a bill of their own. It’s like including military spending in a bill about healthcare, it just doesn’t doesn’t fit in. It’s actually one of the few times Republicans will be justified in opposing a bill.

High-speed rails, fixing highways, fixing pipes, building water treatment facilities, building green energy facilities and structures are what I consider to be infrastructure and what should be included in the bill.

I haven't been paying close attention but isn't it two bills?  The first being traditional infrastructure and the second being more "care economy" stuff? Or did that change

Two bills, one umbrella initiative. Which is why I think being able to do a third bill with reconciliation was such a big deal 

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484
16 minutes ago, Starboy said:

I still don’t particularly view that as part of infrastructure, though I do see the argument there. And Biden is probably thinking the exact same thing in that he wants to broaden what we perceive as infrastructure in order to pass more of his policy initiatives. Yes, I do think we need paid leave and all those other things but they don’t belong in an infrastructure bill. Those kinds of things need a bill of their own. It’s like including military spending in a bill about healthcare, it just doesn’t doesn’t fit in. It’s actually one of the few times Republicans will be justified in opposing a bill.

High-speed rails, fixing highways, fixing pipes, building water treatment facilities, building green energy facilities and structures are what I consider to be infrastructure and what should be included in the bill.

I do see your points and I definitely see why the Republicans will run on that narrative, though given how POPULAR these policies are I don’t think it’s gonna be wise to try and obstruct like they did COVID, which was already vastly popular. I think this will come back to bite them.

I think the majority of Americans don’t care how popular policies get passed. The majority of Americans want the Senate to be a productive place and not a place where bills go to die, and that’s exactly what would happen because we all know the GOP aint supporting universal PFL no matter what bill it’s in even as a stand a lone....so my POV is that I see it as essential infrastructure and if the only way to get popular policies like this passed is by twisting and expanding the definition of “infrastructure” then by all means do it. The US political system is so broken and partisan that progressives like AOC & Bernie know this might be the only way to get their policies through.

Like I said, I do see your points..agree to disagree though. I see it as essential for building for the future and to get the US caught up to the rest of the world and GOP obstruction prevents it from getting done any other way so go for it. It’s popular and people don’t care how stuff like that is passed, just like no one cared that they got 1400$ checks without a single GOP vote.

Plus as @NotDoctor said above, the PFL isn’t even included in this bill, it’s most likely coming in the second separate bill, but yes I know this all started cause of Sen. Gillibrand’s tweet saying “Paid Family Leave is infrastructure”

this is the 400B for the “care economy” in the AJP for everyone in this convo by the way 

“Specifically, he is calling on Congress to put $400 billion toward expanding access to quality, affordable home- or community-based care for aging relatives and people with disabilities.”

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Popster to Popster 4,420

Joe Manchin is delusional as hell if he thinks GOP will work with them.

The GOP will never work with Dems bc the entire basis of their party is to actively do nothing so they can point at Government and say "see look, government sucks, bc they don't do anything!" Meanwhile they're making it suck.

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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484
1 hour ago, WildAmerican said:

Joe Manchin is delusional as hell if he thinks GOP will work with them.

The GOP will never work with Dems bc the entire basis of their party is to actively do nothing so they can point at Government and say "see look, government sucks, bc they don't do anything!" Meanwhile they're making it suck.

Joe Manchin GIF by GIPHY News

who knew I would want a subscription to TWP just so that I could read a Manchin Op Ed :billie: just by the title though I already hate it and I’m just gonna give up EVER THINKING that he’s gonna come around. Like oh my god 

also just for fun.....

Partial list of Biden agenda items that are toast in the Senate if the filibuster remains:

• $15 minimum wage
• Universal gun background checks
• Dream Act
• “For The People” Act
• John Lewis voting rights act
• ACA public option
• Equality Act
• George Floyd police bill


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Pop-a-911-ster 39,484
1 minute ago, Starboy said:

You’re right. The average person doesn’t care how we pass a bill as long as it gets passed into law but I still think by doing this, we’re sort of opening pandora’s box. Who knows what Republicans will consider to be infrastructure when they’re back in power.

Thank you for clarifying that though. I didn’t know that there would be a separate bill. I disagree with the fact that it’s being referred to as infrastructure but if it gets passed then I won’t complain.

Yeah I love a good discussion, and like I said, I can definitely see your point.

but yes, there is another part coming, I think it’s called the “America Families Plan” and I’m assuming that’s where the Paid Family Leave, Child Tax credit extension, possible Medicare expansion, possibly free community college will come in. But those details are obviously in the air. I think concrete news is coming within the month, Psaki said Biden would announce the details of that plan in April

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Popster to Popster 4,584
3 hours ago, Starboy said:

You’re right. The average person doesn’t care how we pass a bill as long as it gets passed into law but I still think by doing this, we’re sort of opening pandora’s box. Who knows what Republicans will consider to be infrastructure when they’re back in power.

Thank you for clarifying that though. I didn’t know that there would be a separate bill. I disagree with the fact that it’s being referred to as infrastructure but if it gets passed then I won’t complain.

In 2001, when the parliamentarian in the senate wouldn't let the Republicans do what they wanted with reconciliation, they fired him and appointed someone else who would.  Dems waiting to use their power will only hurt them and their priorities, it won't slow down the Rs

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