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Do you believe in free universal healthcare?


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Do you believe in universal free healthcare? Most developed 1st world nations have implemented free healthcare into their system by increasing tax payments. Do you believe that the U.S should also do this, or people should pay for their own private healthcare? I was shocked to see online how much americans have to pay for ambulances and how in emergencies they would rather pay for an uber because it's cheaper, and how much medication and hospital care cost. My country has free healthcare for all citizens of NZ and the colonised pacific islands, and ambulance fees are cheap because its run by a charity called St. John

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1 minute ago, blankpaper said:

My dad had to be airlifted once and got a bill for almost $20k JUST for that part of itΒ :dead:

That is extremely expensive. OMG thats ridiculous. In my country that would be free or just a small fee.Β 

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1 minute ago, lavenderblondee said:

Yes. It's a necessity that every person should be granted. I'd gladly pay higher taxes so every person could be given healthcare.Β 

I agree! It especially benefits lower income families who cannot afford private healthcare. I don't know what I'd do if my country didnt have free healthcare. Lord knows I couldn't afford private. I take migraine preventative medication everyday and if I didn't have free healthcare I would have to choose between eating or not having migraines and feeling like my eyes are burning

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Absolutely!Β I live in a country that has free healthcare, it's aΒ flawed but "fair" system as it reaches out to the poor and is free and universal to everyone, from permanent residents to foreigners in the territory.Β :queen:

So yes, I truly believe that, if people, politics or not, and governments were more honest and put the good of society above their own, it could happen everywhere. But unfortunately, it's truly a question of politics, which involves money, so...Β :katy:

Edited by Elvira
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13 minutes ago, Delusional said:

Of course! I think people who don’t either:

  • Are extremely privileged, haven’t lived through tough timesΒ 
  • or have lived through tough times and got into a better situation - and are stuck in a β€œwell if I got out of it they can” mindsetΒ 

People also aren’t caring enough nowadays to believe everyone deserves equal treatment at hospitalsΒ 

Yeah, I've noticed that people have the mindset of everyone in for themselves. With that mindset some people will always receive the short end of the stick. No offence to any of the americans, but why are some so obsessed with the concept of freedom which they have already and how having free healthcare is an infringement of their freedom


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Deactivated 14,311
17 minutes ago, ... said:

It’s the most straightforward policy to implement. However, there areΒ inefficiencies.

I think it does work where it needs to - BUT there needs to be major overhaul for countries like Australia, where we have Medicare etc... BUT alot of aspects need work.Β 

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The Fame Popster 428

Yes of course. My husband has a chronic illness and I'm pretty sure we'd be living in our car with what his care would have cost over the years if we lived somewhere without universal healthcare.Β 

The system isn't perfect but we have NEVER waited for something urgent, and even his routine care (2 MRIs a year for example) are handled very well. I also have no complaints about my general, routine needs.

I do wish Canada has universal prescription drugs which we don't.Β Luckily we have insurance for that through work but I know some people do fall through the cracks. Our current government promised to implement it but it has yet to happen.Β 

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ARTPOPster 2,450
23 minutes ago, thetea said:

Yeah, I've noticed that people have the mindset of everyone in for themselves. With that mindset some people will always receive the short end of the stick. No offence to any of the americans, but why are some so obsessed with the concept of freedom which they have already and how having free healthcare is an infringement of their freedom


It’sΒ not about freedom, it’s about holding people down who they see as inferior. As it’s generally white religious people who are like that, my ~theory~ is that it stems from the prosperity gospel (that god will bless you with wealth if you’re β€œrighteous” enough), so they see poor people as morally inferior and don’t want to help them in any way since they think it’sΒ their ownΒ fault they’re poor


I’m not at all agreeing with or defending that mindset, it’s just what I’ve noticed from peopleΒ 


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The Fame Popster 401

Yes, I do. I am American and British and the difference is night and day in my two countries. While the UK has fumbled their COVID response in terms of government policies, at least you can see the benefit of a nationalized health service in their care & vaccine rollout. People in America die because ourΒ system is not only privatized but also unnecessarily federalized.

That said, I've always had MedicaidΒ because California has pretty broad eligibility, and it's great! We should expand it! Without the albatross of medical bills/debt, I am ableΒ focus on my health and just not worry about every little thing. For example, for the longest time whenever I wentΒ to the doctor, they almost always asked if they could do anΒ EKG because I have stupid, dumb white coat syndrome and I hate that somewhere someone just like me has to, like, work their way out of a necessary yet (come to find out) unnecessaryΒ EKG because they cost money. Complimentary EKGs for all!Β 

Frankly, it'sΒ embarrassing we don't have M4A becauseΒ keeping peopleΒ healthy and taking care of them when they're sick is the least weΒ can do for ourselves and our countrymen.

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Pop-a-911-ster 22,771

My country has free healthcare and it saddens me how theΒ people from USΒ are afraid to call an ambulance orΒ go to the hospital because they can’t afford it. Everyone has the right to free healthcare and help, it shouldn’t depend on their financial situation. I had to spend a week in the hospital due to serious health issuesΒ when I was 17, and I didn’t pay a cent for it. You have to get help if you need it.

Edited by donatellab
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ARTPOPster 1,319
1 hour ago, ... said:

I feel like im the only here who doesnt fully back universal healthcare. Same for minimum wage.Β :shark:

Good to know that you support exploitation



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Popster to Popster 3,889

Also may I add that I don't make much money at all, yet I would be willing toΒ spendΒ more in taxes a month so someone can have health insurance.Β  Yet, people I know who literally make 6 figures tell me it's WRONG that they should have to pay for others health insurance.

I'll leave it there.Β :katy:

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1 hour ago, donatellab said:

My country has free healthcare and it saddens me how theΒ people from USΒ are afraid to call an ambulance orΒ go to the hospital because they can’t afford it. Everyone has the right to free healthcare and help, it shouldn’t depend on their financial situation. I had to spend a week in the hospital due to serious health issuesΒ when I was 17, and I didn’t pay a cent for it. You have to get help if you need it.

A few years back, the doctors suspected I had something wrong with my liver. I had a surgery to test it, I was given clothes, spent the day and night in hospital, food and there was even a room where I could make toast, cups of tea, coffee and food. I walked out of there without paying a cent. It was all free. The one downside is of free healthcare is that it's often less reliable then paid healthcare. I had to wait 4 hours for my surgery because of the workload of the surgeons

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20 minutes ago, A Little Monsterrr said:

Idk what to answer because my country isn't a "developed 1st world country" and there's none here.

Where do you live?

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